Thursday, June 26, 2008

On the Calendar

Worship Time is now 10:00am.

Tuesday Evenings: Bible Study at 8 p.m.
Summer is a great time to set aside some time to study God’s word. Our group meets every Tuesday evening to listen to what God is saying to us as individuals, a group and a congregation. In this conversation, we discover new insights and applications as together we are encouraged to live as Jesus’ disciples in the world.

August 10 - August 15: Vacation Bible School
Take the kids and go on a recession-proof summer adventure through the Rain Forest, and, on the way, grow deeper in your faith in God and love for all of God’s creation. Call the church office to register or to volunteer, and see the article in this newsletter for more information. Be sure to bring some friends.

Annual Back-to-School Celebration
Our annual Back-to-School Celebration will be held on Sunday, September 21st. We plan on pitching the tent and inviting the neighbors, the town and everyone we know. If you would like to be part of the planning team or would like to serve that day, call the church office. But whatever you do, be sure to mark your calendars, and invite your friends.

Pastor's Message

“Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it” Matthew 10:39.

These are some strong words from Jesus. Here Jesus challenges our values, our priorities, everything. The challenge goes like this – start from zero and follow Jesus. Let go of everything – family, job, house, money, talents, … what else? Come again naked – so to speak – to the baptismal font, and hear the Word of God spoken. You belong to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Experience the washing of God’s grace and love as your are chosen, named and given a new life. Hear Jesus’ call: “Follow me.” God’s love. God’s gifts. God’s promises. And from these we emerge to live by walking with God. God is all we have. Our God is all we need in this life and the next … God is our true treasure.

This is true. So, now how do we live? We pray. We read, study, talk about and meditate on God’s Word in the Bible … the book of faith. We work so that we may bless everyone, even our enemies, and so we can give generously and freely. We worship, praise and thank God in and among the assembly of God’s people. We share the good news of Jesus; overcome barriers; connect one to many in community of the saints who live in the love of God.

Now, in this context, open your hands and heart to what else God gives -- family, job, house, money, talents and so much more. I hope you can see a method for scheduling your week start to emerge, and with it, a cure to senseless busy-ness that leaves us tired.

Please join me in re-committing yourself to a life of discipleship this summer by doing three things: 1) Pray everyday. 2) Read the Bible, preferably in a Bible study group. 3) Worship every week – if not at Holy Trinity, at another assembly or in your household. And, most important, let’s put these items on our calendar first. I have resources to help you in all these areas. Let’s walk and talk together.

Finally, here is a promise. God will not leave you empty, destitute or alone … no matter what happens. Come again and follow Jesus, he will give a true rest this summer and beyond.

In our community

Congratulations to:

Pastors Eric and Wendolyn Trozzo on the birth of Caedmon Samuel. He arrived on May 17, 2008 weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. and joins big brother Dante. Pastor Wendolyn was our interim pastor before Pastor Krombholz. Our best wishes to the whole family!

Chelsea Cicci and Derek Hanson for winning Rising Star Awards from Paper Mill Playhouse. Bloomfield High School’s production of Cats from February was nominated for eight awards and received two. Chelsea and Derek, along with Jessica Barton were presented the award for Outstanding Achievement in Hair and Make-up. Chelsea and Cormac McGowan of Bloomfield HS shared the award for Outstanding Direction. Nutley’s production of West Side Story was nominated for six awards and won one Student Achievement Award.

Ruth Hsu who was recently appointed the new director of the Bloomfield Chorale, one of five performing ensembles that make up the Bloomfield Federation of Music. (Elfrieda Fenton serves on the board as treasurer, Emily Jones plays in the Civic Band and Sarah Jones has been part of the Youth Band.) This vocal ensemble will bring together singers from all over the area and rehearsals should begin in September. Please watch for more information. Bravo, Ruth!

Eric Oberndorf and Whitney Lowery who will be married on Saturday, July 12 in Laurel Hill, NC.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
The Charles Seller Foundation’s Talent Time is proud to present Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in August. Congratulations to our cast members, Sean Ulley and Sarah Jones. Sean is playing Benjamin and Sarah is Judah’s wife. Frances Lentz is in the chorus. Performances are at 8:00 PM, Thursday through Saturday, July 31, August 1, 2, 7, 8 & 9.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is the biblical story of Joseph, one of Jacob's twelve sons and founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph was Jacob’s most beloved son, which caused great jealousy among his eleven brothers. Through the course of the show, we follow Joseph from a simple, naïve, farmer in Canaan, to the betrayal by his brothers, who sold him into slavery. His incredible journey ends finally with his rise to second command of Egypt, answering only to Pharaoh. All this is set to the wonderful music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics by Tim Rice.

PLEASE NOTE that this year’s show is to be performed at BLOOMFIELD HIGH SCHOOL, 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield. (Past performances have been at the Middle School on Huck Rd.) The high school auditorium is AIR-CONDITIONED! General admission tickets at the door are $12; $10 for students and seniors.

As always, Talent Time performs as a benefit for someone with a severe medical need. This year’s beneficiary is 15 month-old Jayden Piacenza of Bloomfield, who has a congenital condition which causes cranio-facial anomalies requiring surgery.

For more information, call (862) 202-9151 or

To share your news with the Holy Trinity Community, send your information and photo if possible to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 158 Vreeland Ave., Nutley, NJ 07110, attn Newsletter. Or, you can e-mail it to with “for newsletter” in the subject line.

July & August Birthdays and Anniversaries

July Birthdays
1: Sydney Hess
4: Rory D'Agnolo
9: Meredith D'Agnolo
14: Verna Norton
18: David Reed
23: Ricky Hudnett
30: George Ceravolo

July Anniversaries
2: Al & Phyllis Weber
19: Scott & Debbie Jones

August Birthdays
3: Daniel Munoz
6: Aubrey D'Agnolo
10: Steve Oberndorf
16: Kay Ludwig
21: Greg Sekula
24: James Greengrove
25: Chao Lin
27: Dot Duke
29: Martin Mueller
30: Jared Lin
31: Robert Catelli

August Anniversaries
18: Frank & Chris Siclari
22: Gail & George Ceravolo
23: Evelyn & Steve Oberndorf
24: Dave & Sharon Reed
26: Martin & Sally Mueller

Pray for these disciplies this month.

For some time we have been naming families of the month, people and households to keep in our prayers. Now, we’re going to change the emphasis a little. Instead of praying for families, we will pray for individual disciples of Jesus. You will notice that each day of the week (except Sunday) there is the name of a person in this community. Remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week. You may even want to get in touch with these people and pray with them personally. If you don’t know what to pray for, then pray that each member of the Holy Trinity community would grow in their faith and love for God and their love for God’s people and God’s world, and pray that each disciple may be fully equipped to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1: Debbie Jones
2: Emily Jones
3: Sarah Jones
4: Chao-Ren Lin
5: Ying-Li Lin
7: Joyce Lin
8: Jeff Lin
9: Jared Lin
10: Edith Lodge
11: John Lovas
12: Judi Lovas
14: Rebecca Lovas
15: Kay Ludwig
16: Janette Lutz
17: Betty Mack
18: Tony Maguire
19: Nancy Maguire
21: Miriam Mascola
22: Gerald Mayr
23: Otto Mayr
24: Hedy Mayr
25: Bernd Mayr
26: Carlos Medina
28: Grace Medina
29: Lois Milner
30: Nicole Mozeliak
31: Martin Mueller

1: Sally Mueller
2: Max Mueller
4: Miles Mueller
5: Daniel Munuz
6: Brenda Munoz
7: Justin Munoz
8: Ethan Munoz
9: Bonnie Munoz
11: Damien Murphy
12: Sharon Murphy
13: Angela Murphy
14: Erika Murphy
15: Alex Murphy
16: Olivia Murphy
18: Sarah Murphy
19: William Murphy
20: Dennis Murphy
21: Daniel Murphy
22: Shannon Murphy
23: John Norton
25: Verna Norton
26: Steve Oberndorf
27: Evelyn Oberndorf
28: Ellen Oberndorf
29: Eric Oberndorf
30: Ross Pennise

Guess What's Swinging Up Ahead?

Are you looking to reach new heights of fun this summer? Then you’ll want to head to Holy Trinity for a canopy of adventures at Rainforest Adventure! This exciting Vacation Bible School is for everyone from infants to adults.

The fun begins Sunday, August 10 and concludes with a Rainforest Adventure Program and Party on Friday evening, August 15. Sessions run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day. The cost will be: $10 per child/$20 per family.

At Rainforest Adventure you’ll hear stories about Jesus, make cool crafts, learn catchy rainforest tunes, play super fun games, do some zany skits, and make lots of new friends! Each evening offers a new Bible story to explore through loads of fun activities. For more information or to register, visit the church, go to and follow the link to VBS, call the church office at (973) 667-0256, or contact us via e-mail at A separate Registration Form is required for each participant and must be submitted
by July 31.

Your help is needed.

To help defray the cost of education and craft materials, we are asking for donations. If you would care to make a monetary donation, there will be donation cards in the church entry for different denominations totaling the amount estimated for the supplies. Please take one or more and enclose them with or attach them to your contribution, which can be put in the offering plate on Sundays through June, July and/or August. Please make sure to clearly mark the offering for “VBS”.

Thank you.

New communications card

As of May 25, you started seeing a new insert in your Sunday worship program: a communication card. This card has two parts. First, it is a way gather contact information about our first- and second-time guests. Second, it is a way to keep all of our contact information up-to-date. Third, it lists some next steps we can take to grow in faith and love as we go out from worship, and provides space to you to share your prayer requests and concerns. We ask that everyone fill out a card every week. If everyone fills out the card every week, then our guests will not feel uncomfortable or reluctant to fill out their cards and share with us.

Summer Food Drive

During the summer months, organizations that provide food to people in need often run short of needed supplies. This year, rising food costs have made the need that much more acute. Rising food prices means more people are in need of assistance. At the same time, the expense impact the ability of the organization to provide enough food.

This summer, we will once again collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and take them forward during the gathering of our offering. Thanks.

Bring your gently used shoes

Fashion Republic specializes in processing used clothing and shipping it to people in need. They currently are in need of used, but wearable shoes and/or new ones that don’t fit. By sponsoring a shoe collection, we can collect $0.13 per pound. Please drop off your donation(s) here at Holy Trinity and we will arrange for them to be picked up. There is a drop-off box in the Narthex.
Thank you.

Summer. Time for lemonade.

We are now into summer, and have started our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. You can also volunteer to host on one or more Sunday. A sign up sheet will be out during worship so you can sign up, or you can call the church office. The following dates are still available: July 6, August 3, August 17, August 24, August 31.

Youth! Here's Your Chance. Service Trips

The Nutley Clergy Fellowship is planning a service day in August for junior high and high school youth. We will meet and then travel to Newark to work at St. John’s homeless feeding program. If you are interested in be part of Holy Trinity’s team, contact Pastor Jim.

Next summer is the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Participants will not only take part in the inspiring worship and presentations that have made past youth gatherings life changing events, but the youth will go out in teams to help with Katrina recovery. Contact Pastor Jim for more info. Don’t worry about the money.

It's Christmas in July!

Picture this – it’s Christmas Eve at Holy Trinity. We have worship at 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Which will you attend?

Your name: __________________________________________

Holy Trinity Christmas Eve Service (please check one)

I will be attending the 4:00pm Service _____
I will be attending the 7:30pm Service _____

Please put your response in the Offering Plate, mail to the church office, call the church office, or you can e-mail your response to

Thank you, council members.

Thank you to the church council for their hard work, commitment and leadership so far this year. It has been a joy to work with such a dedicated and gifted group of people. I know God has great things planned to do through us for the sake of His people and His world in the rest of 2008. – Pastor Jim

Great Worship. Come and see what God is doing.

Thank you to all who led and participated in our worship in the park. It was a wonderful experience, and one we plan to repeat in the future. It felt great to be out and among the people of town on Sunday morning, didn’t you think? And we made some new friends, too!

Thank you to Judi Lovas for leading worship and Ruth Hsu for preaching while I was away at the beginning of June. If you would like to be a worship leader or preacher in the future, let’s talk about how we can make that happen.
Special thanks to Scott and the choir for their leadership in worship. God speaks powerfully, through you. – Pastor Jim.


Listen, God is calling. New ministry.

During Lent and Easter, we took an inventory of the gifts, talents and abilities with which God has blessed the people of this community. What a tremendously gifted group of people God has gathered here and commissioned as ambassadors of Jesus Christ! The church council started grouping those assets and imagining some ministries that God may be calling us to do in the coming year. Here’s what we came up with …

Here are the new ministry ideas we thought up using our asset map. Which one would you like to be part of or maybe lead?

1. Readers groups and book clubs
2. Physical fitness and outdoor activities
3. Friendly driver and rider program
4. Year-round food drive
5. The Holy Trinity Walkers
6. Game nights … in people’s homes
7. Senior care team (explore the issues and resources).

Ask how you can get involved in sharing the Gospel, overcoming barriers and connecting one to many in God’s love.
Remember, God sends people … not ideas! God is sending you!

Thanks for your generosity

Thank you for your partnership in God’s mission through Holy Trinity this year. God is doing so much through the people assembled here. Here is just some of what your gifts have helped to make happen in the first half of this year: A new start to our Sunday School program that connected the children and adults of this congregation in a powerful way. Weekly and occasional Bible studies, where the Holy Spirit is changing lives and empowering our discipleship. An outreach and invitation to more than 300 new residents of Nutley, Clifton and Belleville. Lively and inspiring worship where Jesus is present, transforming our hearts and minds. A canoe trip where God built community and showed us new ways to trust God’s promises. And more …
Thank you for your generous gifts that truly do help make a difference in the lives of people in this community and beyond.