Tuesday, May 27, 2008


June 1: Worship Time Changes to 10 a.m.
Remember, we now gather for worship and Sunday School at 10 a.m.

Tuesday Evenings: Bible Study at 8 p.m.Summer is a great time to set aside some time to study God’s word. Our group meets every Tuesday evening to listen to what God is saying to us as individuals, a group and a congregation. In this conversation, we discover new insights and applications as together we are encouraged to live as Jesus’ disciples in the world.

June 15: Father’s Day
What better way to give thanks for and honor your Father than by gathering with Dad in worship. You may want to give a gift to ELCA World Hunger or to the Holy Trinity Endowment Fund in your Father’s honor.

June 21: Canoe TripTalk to Chris Duhm about taking part in this exciting outdoor adventure. The day will begin with a time of prayer and a brief devotion, and then we’ll all enjoy a day of fun in God’s creation. To reserve your place or for more information, see or call Chris Duhm.

August 10 - August 15: Vacation Bible School
Take the kids and go on a recession-proof summer adventure through the Rain Forest, and, on the way, grow deeper in your faith in God and love for all of God’s creation. Call the church office to register or to volunteer, and see the article in this newsletter for more information. Be sure to bring some friends.


“Then the LORD appeared to Abram, and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar to the LORD and invoked the name of LORD, who had appeared to him.”
Genesis 12:7

Where’s your altar?
God appeared to Abram, and God gave Abram a promise. In return, Abram built an altar and worshipped God. The altar was a visual cue to remember the story of God’s love for Abram. By that altar, Abram and his descendants were reminded of the place and time when God appeared to Abram. But more than that, they were reminded of the promise that God gave to Abram, a promise that is central to telling the story of God and this world.

Where have your built your altars? What story of God, of you and of this world can you tell at that place? How was God present, and what promise did God give you?

For many of us, some of our key altars are located inside the building on the corner of Hillside and Vreeland. The table, the baptismal font, a Sunday School classroom, all places where God appeared to us, spoke to us and gave us a promise: “I am your God; you are my child. I love you. I am with you. Walk with me and trust in me.”

Now we all know that church is people and not a building or place. Wherever Jesus’ people gather, he has promised to be with them, making that place a holy place. It is also true that the table and the font are pieces of wood. Nicely carved, finely crafted, well adorned, but furniture. Abrams altar was a bunch of stones, neatly piled. But tell the story of God in this place and at this time, speak again that word God spoke to you and share with someone else God’s promise given to you, and these stones and this wood sing songs of praise to the God who created us, redeemed us and makes us holy.

I am sure there are other holy places in your life. Places where God appeared, God spoke, God promised to be your God, to make you God’s own child. Take some time this month, to visit those places, to build an altar, remember God’s promise, call on God’s name, and, most importantly, take someone along with whom you can share the story. I know one person who would love to hear you talk about it … me.
Pastor Jim


Our choir will sing through June 15, after which it gets a well-deserved break for the summer. As part of our worship on June 15, we will recognize and give thanks for all of our musicians—singers and instrumentalists—who enhance our worship.

As Minister of Music, I would like to personally thank everyone who has given of their time for the music in our community. Holy Trinity has a long tradition of excellence which precedes me and I am thankful to be able to build on that tradition. People frequently remark about our music at worship. I think our worship is spiritual, varied and meaningful. Thanks to all of you for supporting our music ministry, and for adding your voice to our song when we gather.

I give thanks for Pastor Jim and his many gifts. As a musician, he is very supportive and appreciative of our music. I enjoy our worship planning time, I think we compliment each other and the congregation benefits from this team. Excellent preaching and our varied music all support the Word, which is at the center, and I think this makes our worship special. I am truly blessed!

Scott Jones, Minister of Music


Sarah Jones will graduate from Bloomfield High School on June 19. In August, Sarah will begin her studies at Emerson College in Boston, where she will major in Print Journalism and Media Communications.
We’re sorry if we missed anyone! If there are other high school or college graduates, please call or email the church office and we will print an update in the next newsletter.

Congratulations Whitney and Eric!
Ms. Donna Lowery of Laurel Hill and Mr. Lance Lowery of Gibson are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Whitney Elizabeth Lowery, to Eric Steven Oberndorf of Cedar Grove, NJ. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ellis and the late Mrs. Mary Lowery and Mr. James Dutch, all of Laurel Hill.

The groom-elect is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Oberndorf of Cedar Grove, NJ. His grandparents are the late Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindblad and the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oberndorf, all of Jersey City, NJ.

The bride-elect is a 2004 graduate of Scotland High School in Laurinburg and a 2008 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke with a bachelor's degree in biology. The groom-elect is a 2001 graduate of Seton Hall Prep in West Orange, NJ and is a sergeant in the U.S. Army. He is currently stationed at Ft. Bragg with the 82nd Airborne Division and has served two tours of duty in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The wedding is planned for July 12, 2008 at Church in the Pines in Laurel Hill. A reception will follow at Wallace Lodge.


As we move into summer this month, we will re-start our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. You can also volunteer to host on one or more Sunday. A sign up sheet will be out during worship so you can sign up. You can also sign up to host by calling the church office.


Starting May 25, you will find a new insert in your Sunday worship program: a communication card. This card has two parts. First, it is a way gather contact information about our first- and second-time guests. Second, it is a way to keep all of our contact information up-to-date. Third, it lists some next steps we can take to grow in faith and love as we go out from worship, and provides space to you to share your prayer requests and concerns. We ask that everyone fill out a card every week. If everyone fills out the card every week, then our guests will not feel uncomfortable or reluctant to fill out their cards and share with us.


1: Scott Jones, Joyce Lin
4: Pastor Jim Krombholz
6: Chelsea Cicci
8: Ken Geiselmann, Sean Ulley
9: Ava Bacik
10: Ellen Oberndorf
15: Jakob Andrew Krombholz
18: Ann Erwin
26: Samantha Hess
27: Chris Duhm
28: Lou-Ann Ariante, Luke Stefan Krombholz

4: Richard & Erika Bacik
14: Alex & Aida Rubens
22: James & Dorothy Greengrove
23: Ed & Evelyn Cordes
26: John & Verna Norton
28: Chris & Nancy Duhm


For some time we have been naming families of the month, people and households to keep in our prayers. Now, we’re going to change the emphasis a little. Instead of praying for families, we will pray for individual disciples of Jesus. Below are dates with names. On each date, you will notice that each day of week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Remember that person in your prayers that day.

On Sunday, remember all of the people listed in the coming week. You may even want to get in touch with these people and pray with them personally.
If you don’t know what to pray for, then pray that each member of the Holy Trinity community would grow in their faith and love for God and their love for God’s people and God’s world, and pray that each disciple may be fully equipped to share the Gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

June 2: Martin Futyma
June 3: Betty Futyma
June 4: Susan Gage
June 5: Cathy Geiselmann
June 6: Erica Geiselmann
June 7: Ken Geiselmann
June 9: Irene Geiselmann
June 10: Jim Greengrove
June 11: Dot Greengrove
June 12: Nancy Guenther
June 13: Marcia Hayes
June 14: Erik Hess
June 16: Dayna Hess
June 17: Samantha Hess
June 19: Ruth Hsu
June 20: Richard Hudnett
June 21: Barbara Hudnett
June 23: Christina Hudnett
June 24: Alicia Hudnett
June 25: Ricky Hudnett
June 26: Lynn Johnson
June 27: Kevin Johnson
June 28: Brian Johnson
June 30: Scott Jones


Pastor Jim and Chris Duhm will attend the New Jersey Synod Assembly when it meets in East Brunswick from June 5 through June 7. Look for a report in next month’s newsletter.


During the summer months, organizations that provide food to people in need often run short of needed supplies. This year, rising food costs have made the need that much more acute. Rising food prices means more people are in need of assistance. At the same time, the expense impact the ability of the organization to provide enough food.

This summer, we will once again collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and take them forward during the gathering of our offering. Thanks.


Guess what’s swinging up ahead?
Are you looking to reach new heights of fun this summer? Then you’ll want to head to Holy Trinity for a canopy of adventures at Rainforest Adventure! This exciting Vacation Bible School is for everyone from infants to adults.

The fun begins Sunday, August 10 and concludes with a Rainforest Adventure Program and Party on Friday evening, August 15. Sessions run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each day. The cost will be: $10 per child/$20 per family.
At Rainforest Adventure you’ll hear stories about Jesus, make cool crafts, learn catchy rainforest tunes, play super fun games, do some zany skits, and make lots of new friends! Each evening offers a new Bible story to explore through loads of fun activities. Please call the church office at (973) 667-0256 with questions or to register.

A separate Registration Form is required for each participant and must be submitted by July 31. Please notify the office if you would like copies mailed or e-mailed to you.


Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Our hands and hearts in action. What an impact.
About a year ago, the stewardship team asked us to list some of the ways in which we give of ourselves in Jesus’ name for the sake of the world. This included organizations and charities we support with financial gifts or as a volunteer. Nancy Maguire has skillfully arranged those responses into a wall-hanging that represents the big impact God’s people from Holy Trinity have in the world. With our hands and our hearts we follow Jesus into the world, and by the grace of God we make a difference. Thank you Nancy for your great work. And remember, this is a work in progress. If you have something you want to add, call the church office.

Putting our assets to work
Throughout Lent and Easter, we asked everyone to write down some of their gifts, ones they are willing to share, and place them on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. What a tremendously gifted group of people God has gathered here and commissioned as ambassadors of Jesus Christ! The church council started grouping those assets and imagining some ministries that God may be calling us to do in the coming year. Get ready to put your gifts into action as we share the good news of Jesus, overcome barriers and connect one to many by doing the things we love to do.

Thanks for your generosity
Thanks to your generosity and a one-to-one match from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans we were able to give $470 to support the work of Community Schools in Nutley, Inc. Thank you. Let’s continue to look for ways to share our gifts for the sake of the people in God’s world.


Mission on the Move calls us to redis¬cover our passion for God and for God’s mission in new ways in the 21st century. Changing our behavior, in¬vesting in new mission models are first steps in transforming the mis¬sional culture of the church. We un¬derstand that mission in not merely an activity of the church. Rather mission is the result of God’s initiative, rooted in God’s purposes to restore and heal creation. Mission is on the Move. Mission means sending, and it is the central biblical theme describing the purpose of God’s action in history.
Mission on the Move has the potential to transform every expression of the New Jersey Synod by strengthen¬ing the missionary orienta¬tion of this church. Now you can play a leadership role in shaping the church. Your support of MOM will make a difference and:
• Transform the missionary culture of this church.
• Invest over $310,000 in strengthening and trans¬forming 188 congregations into centers for mission outreach and faith invitation.
• Share $700,000 to sup¬port vibrant congrega¬tions through times of transition, redevelop¬ment, and critical need.
• Provide $1,600,000 to aid in the development of two new ministry starts in New Jersey.


Once again this years’ Aids Walk New York (AWNY) was a big success. Over 45,000 people participated and raised a record breaking sum of more than $7,058,000. Nancy and Tony Maguire exceeded their own prior record by raising over $1000, thanks to the generosity of the Holy Trinity family. Donations can still be made for this cause. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430. If you would like more information please call them at (201) 934-9366. You can also visit www.aidswalk.net.


Invite someone to worship this summer
Most people come to a certain church as a result of an invitation from a friend. As you talk with friends, neighbors and co-workers, keep in mind your commission to be an ambassador of Jesus. Invite them to get to know Jesus, to share the blessing of God’s gifts you enjoy. In addition, proudly tell the story of how God has worked in your life through the ministry of this community. God has called each of us – from the youngest to the oldest – to share the good news of Jesus, to overcome barriers and to connect one to many in love of God.
Share information about VBS
A fun way to introduce friends to Jesus is to invite them to take part in Vacation Bible School with you. We offer Vacation Bible School in the evenings so that entire families can take part if they wish. Another option may be to invite busy parents to bring their children to Vacation Bible School and to take that time to enjoy a “date night” or two. Be creative in your invitation. This isn’t the same old VBS.
Guess who’s coming to dinner
You don’t have to go door to door to witness to the good news of Jesus or to change and save a life. You can just invite a friend into your house for dinner. Stories of God’s love are best shared in intimate settings over dinner and maybe even a glass of good wine. That’s the way Jesus shared the good news.