Friday, January 6, 2012

Good to Know

2012 Calendars
Please help yourself to a 2012 calendar, found in the back of the sanctuary. Calendars are a gift from Brown Funeral Home.

Is it a Snow Day?
We hate cancelling worship!, but in the case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office 973) 667-0256. The message will be updated by 8:00 AM with worship news.

Like Us?
Then Like Holy Trinity’s Facebook page. You’ll get updates on the goings on at Holy Trinity; see pictures from events, read previous sermons, and more!

Save Money. Save Trees.
We would prefer to send the newsletter and ministry updates electronically. If you haven't shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so. Send an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to We can send this newsletter to anyone with Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later.

January Birthdays and Anniversaries

January Birthdays

2:Miles Mueller
7:Phyllis Weber
8:Peter Franchino
8:Ken Blair
8:Evelyn Oberndorf
14: Chris Siclari
15: Max Mueller
20: Nancy Catelli
26: Isabella Bernhard
28: Liz Cicci

January Anniversaries

14: Joelle & Matthew Bernhard
16: Cathy & Mike Palamara

Annual Congregational Meeting and Potluck
January 29, 2012 after Worship

Please call the office to sign up for any of the following:

Food to share: Main dish, salad, vegetable, dessert

Time & Talents: Set up and/or Clean up

Thank you!

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