Friday, January 6, 2012

Caring Community

St. Jude's Ranch for Children
Recycled Greeting Cards

Over 30 years ago, wishing to show our donors appreciation for making St. Jude’s Ranch for Children possible, the idea was conceived for turning the previous year’s Christmas cards into “new” cards for the coming season. The recipients were so delighted with their unique “thank you,” they requested the children sell them the special cards. And so, the St. Jude’s Ranch Recycled Card Program was born.

Now, the Recycled Card Program includes all occasion greeting cards…just about anything that starts with a used greeting card.

Operated by Kids’ Corp., a program at St. Jude’s Ranch, the children participate in making the new cards by removing the front and attaching a new back. The result is a beautiful new card made by the children and volunteers. The benefits are two-fold: customers receive “green” holiday cards for use and the children receive payment for their work and learn the benefits and importance of “going green”.

NOTE: There is currently an increased need for Birthday and Thank You card submissions.

•Only the card front can be used (please check to be sure the back side is clear of any writing, etc.)

•They cannot accept Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards.

Mail your donation of used greeting cards to:

St. Jude's Ranch for Children, Recycled Card Program
100 St. Jude's Street, Boulder City, NV 89005
877-977-SJRC (7572)

On A Mission to Fight Hunger!
More than 20 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, the youth of one congregation were inspired to do something to fight hunger. Out of their efforts came the “Souper Bowl of Caring.”

Since 1990, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $71 million for organizations that fight hunger throughout the United States. It has also transformed the biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.

On Souper Bowl Sunday, you are invited to make a special contribution to fight hunger in our community and put God’s love into action. On Sunday, February 5, place your Hunger donation into the soup pot, which will be passed with the offering plates. You can also mail a donation, just make sure it is marked “Souper Bowl”. Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community.

With your help, more money will be raised to fight hunger and change lives than will be spent on Super Bowl advertising! More info at

Remember We Who are Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex to help those of us who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish, box of pasta, pasta sauce,
1-can meals, tomato paste, bar soap, toilet paper

Thank You for Your Generosity!
Thank you to everyone who gave time and greens and wreaths to green the sanctuary for Christmas!

Thank you to the many, many, many of you who gave Animals for Christmas. You gave: 17 chicks, 7 ducks, 6 pigs, 8 goats, 1 sheep, 1 fish farm, 1 canal and 1 donation to feed 50 people!

Thank you! Your generosity will be transformed into food, education, and income for those living in poverty.

2012 Offering Envelopes Available
Thank you for all of your monetary support of God’s ministry through Holy Trinity in 2011!

The 2012 Offering Envelopes are now ready to be picked up. A box of envelopes is provided for every household in the congregation. Please pick yours up in the back of the sanctuary.

If you don’t find a box with your name on it and would like to start tracking your giving to God’s ministry through Holy Trinity, please contact the office at
973-667-0256 or

Got Mugs?
In order to better care for God’s creation, we are beginning to use re-usable mugs during Coffee & Tea Time. If you have any mugs at home that aren’t being used or aren’t needed – please bring them to the church office.

2012 Flower Chart
The 2012 altar flower donation chart is now posted outside the office. Please sign up or call the office to donate altar flowers in 2012. The cost is $30.00.

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