Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you.

Together we fight hunger.
Together, we gave $72 on Sunday, February 6th as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring. The money has been sent to support the local feeding programs in our community. The national total so far is $8,512,263 collected by 10,317 participating groups. Together we do more!

Thank you.
Special thanks to Irene and Ken Geiselmann for donating a new computer for our office and to Cathy and Mike Palamara for their efforts and time for troubleshooting and installing the computer.

Thank you.
To all who had me in your prayers during my recent surgery. It was a comfort to know that I had your support and thoughts during a difficult time. Special thanks to Marcia Hayes for filling in for me – she did a wonderful job and made my transition back to work much easier than she realizes! And of course, to Scott Jones for all of his extra time and efforts – I know how much work he did and it is appreciated.

Thank you.My sincere thanks to the Church Council and the Choir for the kind words and my generous Christmas gift presented at worship. The pastoral vacancy has been a big responsibility for me, and it was nice to have the extra effort recognized. Thank you so very much! ~Scott Jones

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