Thursday, February 24, 2011

Church News

ECO-Palms for Palm Sunday Worship
For this Palm Sunday we ordered “Eco-Palms” direct from Lutheran World Relief. Eco-Palms give more money to palm harvesters and protect the environment. This means more children finish school, families can afford healthcare and the forest will continue to provide income for generations to come.

Is it a Church Snow Day?
We try never to have to cancel worship, but in case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office: (973) 667-0256. Should we need to cancel, the message will be updated by 8:00 AM.

Altar Flowers
Please note that if anyone would like to honor or remember someone, we currently have many open weeks available for flowers, especially in March, April, July and November. The price remains at $30.00 per date.

Daylight Savings
Please remember to push your clock ahead one hour to honor daylight savings time on Sunday, March 13th.

Can You Help Us Go Paperless? Postage is expensive – can you please help us to distribute more and more of our information electronically. Many of you have already given us your email information – for those of you that haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

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