Thursday, February 24, 2011

On The Calendar

Lenten Schedule 2011

Ash Wednesday worship, March 9, 2011 with imposition of ashes.
Worship at 7:30p.m. with Pastor Jack DiMatteo.

Thursday Soup and Study (March 17 and on):
Book Study: A People’s History of the Christian Church: the Other Side of the Story, by Diane Butler Bass.

6:15 p.m.: Soup Supper (Sign up to bring some soup)
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Book Study
8:00 p.m. – Choir

Please remember that during lent we will not have our Monday evening or Thursday afternoon studies.

Thiel College Choir Concert
The forty-voice Thiel Choir from Thiel College in Greenville, Pennsylvania, a college of the E.L.C.A. will participate in evening worship at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, March 5, 2011 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 395 Valley Road, Wayne, N.J. 07470. They will also present a concert following the worship service. The performance is part of the Choir’s 2011 spring choir tour.

The choir, under the direction of Dr. Michael Bray, and including Vickie Boyer (niece of Scott and Debbie Jones) will perform a variety of sacred a cappella works by various composers as well as arrangements of spirituals and folk songs and hymns.

There will be no admission charge; however, a freewill offering will be taken.

Nutley Churches Music Concert

Sunday, March 6 at 3:00 p.m. at Vincent United Methodist Church.

Bach Vespers
The Grace Festival Choir is singing J.S. Bach’s Cantata No. 1, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (How Lovely Shines the Morning Star) at Grace Lutheran Church, Teaneck on March 6 at 4:00 PM. The choir of 35 singers, with professional soloists, is under the direction of Carol Weber and will be accompanied by a professional Baroque orchestra. The cantata is sung as part of a Vespers Service and an offering will be received. (The Jones family is not singing this time!)

Grace Lutheran, 1200 River Rd., Teaneck, NJ 07666.
(Driving directions are available in the narthex.)

NJ Synod Annual Conference
The NJ Synod’s Annual Conference on Congregational Ministries will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2011. It will be held at the Steinert High School, Hamilton Township, N.J. from 8:00am – 3:30pm.

This years’ speaker is Kelly Fryer, of “a renewable enterprise, inc. (are)”

Registration is $10.00 plus an additional $5.00 for lunch. Registration forms must be postmarked by Friday, March 11 by mail OR by Tuesday, March 14 if registering online. Please let us know if you would like a Registration Form, or you can download one from the Synod website at Put the date on your calendar and plan to attend with a group from Holy Trinity!

Thank You!

Thank you.

Together we fight hunger.
Together, we gave $72 on Sunday, February 6th as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring. The money has been sent to support the local feeding programs in our community. The national total so far is $8,512,263 collected by 10,317 participating groups. Together we do more!

Thank you.
Special thanks to Irene and Ken Geiselmann for donating a new computer for our office and to Cathy and Mike Palamara for their efforts and time for troubleshooting and installing the computer.

Thank you.
To all who had me in your prayers during my recent surgery. It was a comfort to know that I had your support and thoughts during a difficult time. Special thanks to Marcia Hayes for filling in for me – she did a wonderful job and made my transition back to work much easier than she realizes! And of course, to Scott Jones for all of his extra time and efforts – I know how much work he did and it is appreciated.

Thank you.My sincere thanks to the Church Council and the Choir for the kind words and my generous Christmas gift presented at worship. The pastoral vacancy has been a big responsibility for me, and it was nice to have the extra effort recognized. Thank you so very much! ~Scott Jones

Church News

ECO-Palms for Palm Sunday Worship
For this Palm Sunday we ordered “Eco-Palms” direct from Lutheran World Relief. Eco-Palms give more money to palm harvesters and protect the environment. This means more children finish school, families can afford healthcare and the forest will continue to provide income for generations to come.

Is it a Church Snow Day?
We try never to have to cancel worship, but in case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office: (973) 667-0256. Should we need to cancel, the message will be updated by 8:00 AM.

Altar Flowers
Please note that if anyone would like to honor or remember someone, we currently have many open weeks available for flowers, especially in March, April, July and November. The price remains at $30.00 per date.

Daylight Savings
Please remember to push your clock ahead one hour to honor daylight savings time on Sunday, March 13th.

Can You Help Us Go Paperless? Postage is expensive – can you please help us to distribute more and more of our information electronically. Many of you have already given us your email information – for those of you that haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Food Drive

Food Drive
We have been notified by the Montclair-Glen Ridge-Nutley Chapter of the Red Cross that the Nutley Red Cross Food Pantry is in need of food. While this is an ongoing need, it is especially important in March and April. The Feinstein Foundation Challenge through which $1,000,000.00 is distributed to participating food pantries is based upon the quantity of food and money collected during these months. Basically, the more food and money that is collected, the more money the Red Cross receives from the foundation.

Items most needed:

Cold cereal
Pasta Sauce
Peanut Butter
Chunky-style soups
Baked Beans
Canned Beef Stew
Canned Fruit
Mac & Cheese

Nice-to-have items:


They especially need the items listed above because they are seldom provided through the state emergency food sources. However, any types of non-perishable food items are welcome.

Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex.

Thank you!

ELCA World Hunger

United States
Meet Jim

Every afternoon for the past 10 years, 88-year-old Jim Freeman hears a knock at the door. A smile comes over his face as he walks to greet a volunteer from Mobile Meals, who is holding a warm, nutritious meal. Sometimes a nurse or a chaplain is there too—just to check on him. On his birthday, he receives a birthday card and cake.

Jim’s wife recently passed away after a 22-year battle with Parkinson’s disease. His two adult children have moved away. So it is just Jim and his dog, Brook, who occupy his home in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Jim, like many of the 600 people served by Mobile Meals each day, lives below the poverty level. “I have no income other than my social security,” he says. “When I crunch the numbers, I realize that without this [help] I would not eat the way I do.”

As Jim ages, volunteers pay careful attention to his dietary needs—adding vitamins, limiting salts, increasing fluids—whatever it takes to keep Jim healthy and free from hunger. “We are feeding God’s people,” says Ralph Gillespie, a Lutheran volunteer. “And that’s what ELCA World Hunger is all about.”

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors
Vice Pastor

Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

March Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

7:Larry Stevens, Tom Stevens
8:John Denkinger
10 Marcia Hayes
15:Catherine Rubens
16:Rebecca Lovas
18:David Van Houten
23:Brianna Davey

15: Betty & Martin Futyma

Please pray for these disciples on the date listed:
1:Tom Stevens
2:Larry Stevens
3:Jan Strachan
4:Janet Strachan
5:Michael Suttora
7:Kara Suttora
8:Ben Suttora
9:Elaine Tanimura
10:Richard Ulley
11:Susan Ulley
12:Sean Ulley
14:David VanHouten
15:Grace Viola
16:Al Weber
17:Phyllis Weber
18:Kristian Wiede
19:Lizze Wiede
21:Holly Wiede
22:Brad Wilson
23:Greg Wilson
24:Carol Wilson
25:Susan Wilson
26:Chelsea Wright
28:Christopher Wright
29:Angelika Achtiani
30:Ira Achtiani

2011 Easter Flowers

If you would like to purchase Easter flowers, please call the office for an order form or you can call in your order and send in a check. ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY SUNDAY, MARCH 27th.


Lilies, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips are $9.00 each.

Pompoms for the Easter cross are $3.50 each

Thank you.