Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Thank you to all our partners in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a special thanks to all who dedicated a percentage of the gifts God has given them
to the work of this ministry in 2010.

Consider giving a tithe this Advent
Over the past few years, many of us at Holy Trinity have prayerfully increased our level of giving by one or maybe two percent on our way of living into God’s expectation that we dedicate at least a tenth (giving a tithe) of our income to the work of God’s people. If you are giving less than 10 percent of your income and want to test the waters of the tithe-life, consider giving a tenth during the season of Advent (from Nov. 29 – Dec. 20. Since this is approximately one month, figure out the amount of money you will take in during this month – through salary, investments or other sources – and multiply by 0.1. Then write the check and see what happens. Share your story and the experience with all of us by sending a letter or an e-mail to or by sharing it on our Facebook page.

What to get the person who has everything.
ELCA World Hunger has produced a Good Gifts Catalog. You may have even received one in the November copy of The Lutheran. If not there is one in the church office you are welcome to use. This exciting holiday catalog offers a variety of ways that you can give a gift that will truly make a difference in the world by changing and saving someone’s life. Who needs another tie or sweater, when for the same price you can help bring clean water to a village or help start a small family business?

Live Simply and Share the Wealth
Do you or does someone you love have a car, appliances, furniture or other stuff they are looking to get rid of or donate? There are people in the community who may be praying for just that thing you are looking to give. Call the church office and let us know what you have.

Remember the Hungry
During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the narthex.

We were notified of the following by the Red Cross:

FOODS NEEDED: Soups, Stews, Beans, Broths, Peanut Butter
THEY HAVE A SURPLUS OF: Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Rice, Tuna

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