Thursday, November 19, 2009

In Our Community

Christmas Card Tradition
This year we would like to continue our tradition of having a congregational Christmas card. We ask that members bring in or mail one card to the congregation rather than mailing individual cards to other members. The cards will be displayed in the narthex so that the congregation can read them. The amount that would have been used towards cards and postage should be put in the offering plate or mailed to the church office in an envelope marked "Christmas Card." The money will be donated to ELCA Good Gifts.

Thank you!
From the family of John Edward Ryan… We would like to thank all of you for your kind expressions of sympathy on the loss of my Dad. Your cards, visits and words of comfort were greatly appreciated.
My mom could not get over how many people came to visit and said they were from my church. She said, "I thought you said it was a small congregation!" I told her that we may be small in number, but we treat each other like family. Thanks again… Christine & Frank Siclari

From the family of Irene Wahl…This note is to express our appreciation to the members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church when we were able to celebrate the life of our mother, Irene Wahl, on November 8th. It meant so much to the family to meet people who knew her, worked around her in various church assignments, and prayed with her You have a very special Pastor, and we wanted to acknowledge his fine sermon and help with the arrangements. At a family lunch, all of us commented on how much our mother would have enjoyed the day’s events. The service has helped us to have closure to the good long life that Irene lived. We do not think that the day could have been more perfect; your sermon, meeting members of the church, and the beautiful weather. What a fitting way to remember my mother!....
Allen and Ray Wahl

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