Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Stewardship Stew

A community-action activity
As a loving parent, you want “the best” for your child. “The best” is not just about the best schools, the safest housing or the most nutritious foods, although these are all desirable. The “best” you want for your children is the best part of them – the God part of them. You want your kids to be who God created them to be; people who care and live their life showing it.

God, your loving parent wants “the best” for you, too – no matter how old you are. The best God wants for you is that place in you where your generous heart still beats, your soul trusts in God’s economy and your spirit feels compelled to pass on this most essential news to the next generation: “We are richly blessed by God. We feel the most joyful and free when we share God’s blessings.”

You can nurture that best place of caring and generosity in your children and in yourself by learning about being good stewards. Here’s a delicious activity, “Stewardship Stew” that will get you, your friends, your family and anyone you want to invite cooking, thinking and learning together.

Ingredients from the store
2 lbs lean beef (or another protein)
1 qt water or broth
2 cups sliced potatoes
1 cup sliced turnips
1 cup sliced carrots
1-2 onions chopped
3T flour
Salt and pepper
Garlic, parsley or a few favorite herbs

Ingredients from home
Baptismal water
Secret ingredients

Start the Stew
1. Sauté the meat, stirring constantly. When well browned, put it into the soup pot.
2. Cover with water, bring to a boil; skim fat. Simmer for one hour.
3. Add carrot, turnip, onion and potatoes; simmer for another hour.
4. Thicken with 3 tablespoons of flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily.
5. Let the stew come to a boil again.

Adding the home ingredients
Now consider: where will you find items in the right hand column of the recipe? Where do you keep love? Give each other hugs. Stretch out your arms and pretend to hug God’s world. Stretch out your arms as wide as a large soup pot. Love surrounds you and your stewardship stew.

1.Where are the blessings? Look around at home and name some blessings you see inside and outside. They’re everywhere. Scoop some up for pretend and throw them in the stew pot.

2.How about the Bible? Find it, open it and read John 21:15. Jesus asked his disciple Peter, “Do you love me?” Peter answered, “Yes, Lord, I love you.” “Great!” said Jesus. “Then feed my lambs. Of course you’re not going to put the Bible in the stew! But you can pretend to shake some words in there. For example. “Jesus wants us to take care of each other.”

3.If you can, find a picture or remember out loud the story of yours, your child’s or your friend’s baptism. Before the stew is cooking, let others pour cold water or broth over the meat in the pot. When you were baptized, God pours water over you and gives you some jobs. Ask: “What are some jobs God gives us? Your baptism goes into the stew because when you’re baptized God says, “Care, give, share.

A Secret Ingredient
Don’t hold back on adding more to your stew: fresh tomatoes, herbs, a Bible verse that taught you about giving, a song that makes you feel God. Use your whole bodies as you season the soup. Jump up and down like salt shakers, pop like herbs in the garden, sneeze from the pepper, twirl around like a stirred up stew.

Taste and See
Now it’s time to eat. Say a Stew Grace to bless the meal. And be sure to surprise someone by sharing a container or two with them.

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