Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pastors' Message

“I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Phillipians 4

Over and over again, I am reminded of your generosity and the eagerness with which you share all God has blessed you with. I thank God for you and for your willingness to share in God’s mission to love, save and bless the world in Jesus Christ. I am especially thankful for the people of this community in these exciting, difficult and changing times.

All around us the world is changing. Our ideas about money, time and the environment may all be changing too. It seems that in times like these we are being asked – in some ways being forced to live more simply. At the same time, the circumstances of people in our lives, our families and our communities continue to depend on our generosity. Now, it seems we are starting to sense the urgency in our Lord Jesus’ voice when he invites us to follow him for the sake of the world by living simple and generous lives of faith, hope and love.

Over the next month, I invite you to join the conversation this congregation will be having around the topic – “Make it Simple.” I invite you to join the conversation and to share with this whole community – in prayer, talk, song and friendship -- how God has been working in your life. God has given us to each other to share our lives and challenges and share and grow in our faith. And so, remember that God has a word for us; Jesus has a life-giving, life-changing word to speak. We need to talk and share all that’s happening in our lives, but, more importantly, we also need to listen and to hear God speak.

I am anxious to hear about how you are “making it simple.” What steps have you taken to simplify your life? How have your ideas about money, time and the environment been changing? How is God challenging you to grow in your generosity? You can post your stories to our Facebook page, e-mail them to me at, write a card or letter or even share your experiences with the congregation as we gather for worship. I look forward to hearing from you, and to listening to what God is saying through you.

Over the course of this month, I am excited to look for new ways in which we can “Make it Simple” and inspire each other to live a simpler and more generous life -- not as a defensive reaction to current conditions but as a faithful and hopeful response to our Lord Jesus’ invitation to follow him, to face the truth, to act together and to share enough.

But let’s not just do this alone. Please, invite your friends, family, buddies, co-workers, hairdresser, handyman, plumber -- whoever you talk -- to join our conversation and to be part of God’s solution.

I rejoice in the mission we are partnering to accomplish – to share the Gospel, to overcome barriers, to connect one to many in the unconditional love of God. And I thank God that we are facing these times together as a community. In the power of the Holy Spirit, God is making us a powerful community of faith, committed to following our baptismal call of faithfulness to Jesus and service to our neighbor.

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