Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stewardship Strengthens

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus
During summer, many of us are blessed to enjoy some time away on vacation. What a blessing! What a gift! While we are away, whether we travel near or far, remember to give thanks for all of God's good gifts. Also, remember to continue to give generously to the mission and ministry of Holy Trinity throughout the summer.

The important work of God's mission continues during the summer months, especially as we lead up to our Vacation Bible School in August. If you find yourself with more time during the summer, ask yourself how you can use that time to share the good news of Jesus; to lead others in overcoming barriers; to guide others into a relationship with Jesus and his community of disciples. How might you go about doing that kind of work this summer? Share with the people of Holy Trinity what you are doing in mission this summer. E-mail to share your story.

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