Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pastor's Message

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

The beginning of June. Summer nears. In fact, you may already, in these late days of springtime, be living a summer life. Stretching out and allowing the light and the warmth that come as gifts of the closer approaching sun to soothe your soul, to relax your anxious spirit. Enjoy, delight, savor these days as God's gracious call, God's setting of scene, mood and environment, God's creation of the perfect environment to invite you into a time of spiritual renewal and reawakening.

The songwriter who in the power of the Holy Spirit wrote Psalm 46 reminds us that our peace, our security, our prosperity and our health come from God. God is our refuge and our strength. Though all the worlds are in turmoil -- the world of nature, the world of politics and the world of economics -- God is our refuge. In God's kingdom, we find stability and security. From deep, hidden springs and rivers, God brings forth new life and sustains us in the middle of all these threats and dangers. Joined to Jesus in his death and resurrection through baptism and citizens of God's holy city, God invites us to stop, to rest, to relax and to witness as He brings peace and salvation to the world through Jesus Christ: "Be still and know that I am God."

Here we find wonderful counsel as we anticipate our coming summer rest and vacations. Come, rest in God's love for you. Come, enjoy new life in God's abiding presence. Come, re-center your life in water and God's word. Come, and worship the God who raised Jesus from the dead and who has promised to be your life and salvation.

How? Well, maybe we could start by re-imagining our summer routines. As we enjoy peaceful times outdoors -- in our yards, down the shore, time in the sun, on the water -- enter into contemplative prayer. Clear your mind to be aware of God's presence in your life. Looking for a summer read? Re-discover God's story in the Bible. You will find a story of romance in the book of Ruth. The story of political intrigue and rivalry in First and Second Samuel. A thriller in the books of Exodus and Esther. Wit, wisdom and inspiration for self-improvement in Proverbs and other wisdom writings. The story of God's love incarnate in the story of Jesus in Gospel's. And what would summer be without getting together with friends in a spirit of thanksgiving, for fellowship for a meal. Well, come on over to Holy Trinity. We meet every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and every Thursday evening at 6:15 and 7 p.m. Stop by and bring everyone you know. Everyone is welcome.

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