Thursday, May 28, 2009

Vacation Bible School

Discovery Canyon VBS is Just Around The Rim!
Our journey begins Sunday, August 16 and ends with a closing program on Friday, August 21. We will meet in the evening again, from 6:00-8:30p.m. Registration is $15.00 per person with a maximum of $30.00 per family. Registration forms will be available at church, by emailing the office at or by registering online at DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS
AUGUST 2, 2009.

Mark your calendars and grab your hiking gear. This is a week filled with amazing Bible stories, Cavern Crafts, Sagebrush Storytelling and Red Rock Rhythm! Plan to join us and invite a friend. See you at the Canyon!

To help defray the cost of education and craft materials, we are asking for monetary donations. If you would care to make a donation, there will be donation cards in the church entry for different denominations totaling the amount estimated for the supplies. Please take one or more and enclose them with or attach them to your contribution, which can be put in the offering plate on Sundays through June, July and/or August. Please make sure to clearly mark the offering for “VBS”.
Can you help create our “Canyon Adventure?” We could use southwest/Native American blankets or fabric, pottery or baskets and blow-up or artificial cacti. Hiking gear like backpacks, hiking boots, a canteen and walking stick would be appreciated. Stuffed, resin or wooden “critters” for our daily themes would be great—desert lizard, owl, burro, praying mantis, and fox. Donations may be brought to church any time. Please identify them with your name so that they can be returned in August after VBS. Stay tuned for more announcements about craft preparation and church decorating. Thank you!

On The Calendar

Recession Relief: Soup (and more) Suppers!

Every Thursday night at 6:15 p.m., the people of Holy Trinity host a soup supper: a simple shared meal and an informal time for conversation, connection and support. This regularly meeting mealtime also gives us a simple way to share some of what we have -- food, faith, hope and love, a relationship with Jesus -- with people who may be going some difficult times. Sign up to share your favorite homemade soup. Sign up to bring something else -- go ahead and be creative -- to share with the group. But most important, invite your friends and neighbors to sit down and share a meal with you.

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
Every Thursday night at 7 p.m. (after our soup supper), we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.

What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture. Come for the soup, but stay for the meal as we feast on God's word of life in Jesus Christ.

New Jersey Synod Assembly, June 5th and 6th
Pastor Jim, Scott Jones and Elaine Miller will attend the New Jersey Synod Assembly when it meets in East Brunswick June 5th and 6th. Look for a report in next month’s newsletter.

Worship in the Park, Sunday, June 7
Sunday, June 7, is Holy Trinity Sunday
and we will gather for worship again at Kingsland Park at 10:00 a.m. Invite a friend or two to join you in worshipping God and to stay with you for a picnic lunch, volleyball and softball after worship. Bring your own food and drinks, but you may want to bring some extra to share, too!
Please note: because of the long walk from the street to the gazebo at Kingsland Park, there will be a spoken service of Holy Communion (no music) at 9:00 a.m. at Holy Trinity for those who are physically unable to attend the worship in the park.

Father’s Day
Fatherhood, like motherhood is a holy job, a divine calling. God has given dads a special role in our faith and life development. We are thankful for fathers, and according to many fathers, becoming a dad gave a new understanding to God's word and work in their lives. It’s fitting to begin our Father's Day celebration
(June 21) in worship together with our fathers. All fathers will get a special gift that day. Additionally, to honor dad you may even consider giving a special gift in thanksgiving for our fathers, to the Holy Trinity endowment (see form in this newsletter).

Arsenic & Old Lace
The Nutley High School Drama Club presents Arsenic and Old Lace at Nutley High School, Friday, June 5 and Saturday, June 6 at 8:00 PM. Sean Ulley, Miles Mueller and Danny Fornasa are involved in this production. Please call for tickets or more information: (201) 563-0080

Relay For Life
Emily Jones will again be participating in Mt. Olive’s Relay for Life this year on June 13th and 14th. Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society at which teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Relays are an overnight event based on the idea that cancer never sleeps.

Relay For Life encourages people to:
• Celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer.
• Remember loved ones lost to the disease.
• Fight back to put an end to the disease.

If you are interested in donating to this cause, you can make a donation online, then search for “Emily Jones, or you can see Emily in person for a donation form.

Summer Choir: June 14, June 21
Are you a “singer in the pews?” For two weeks in June—June 14 and 21—we would like to invite you to be part of the choir for worship. Scott has selected easy and fun anthems that can be learned with minimal rehearsal. There will be short, 15 minute rehearsals immediately after worship on Sunday, May 31 and Sunday, June 14. You will also be asked to come to the choir room at 9:45 AM on the Sundays we sing. You may sing either week or both, but an RSVP would be appreciated so that we can plan accordingly. Please speak to Scott Jones, or call/email him at (973) 338-0267 or

Summer. Time for Lemonade

As we move into summer this month, we will re-start our after worship lemonade fellowship time. So, plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding. You can also volunteer to host on one or more Sunday. A sign up sheet will be out during worship so you can sign up. You can also sign up to host by calling the church office.

Summer Food Drive

During the summer months, organizations that provide food to people in need often run short of needed supplies. This year, rising food costs have made the need that much more acute. Rising food prices means more people are in need of assistance. At the same time, the expense impact the ability of the organization to provide enough food.

This summer, we will once again collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and take them forward during the gathering of our offering. Thanks.

Coupon Box

Please note that there is a coupon “swap” box in the Narthex for those of you that would like to donate or swap coupons.

Using Email to Make, Keep and Invite Friends.

Communication is vital to any relationship. That includes your relationship with others groups, teams and ministries going on at Holy Trinity. E-mail puts a powerful communication tool at our fingertips. Not only can we stay informed about news, events and happenings in the Holy Trinity community, but we are able to share that news with our friends as well by passing the information along to them or inviting them to be part of the Holy Trinity mailing list.

As postal rates continue to rise -- we are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Pastor's Message

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

The beginning of June. Summer nears. In fact, you may already, in these late days of springtime, be living a summer life. Stretching out and allowing the light and the warmth that come as gifts of the closer approaching sun to soothe your soul, to relax your anxious spirit. Enjoy, delight, savor these days as God's gracious call, God's setting of scene, mood and environment, God's creation of the perfect environment to invite you into a time of spiritual renewal and reawakening.

The songwriter who in the power of the Holy Spirit wrote Psalm 46 reminds us that our peace, our security, our prosperity and our health come from God. God is our refuge and our strength. Though all the worlds are in turmoil -- the world of nature, the world of politics and the world of economics -- God is our refuge. In God's kingdom, we find stability and security. From deep, hidden springs and rivers, God brings forth new life and sustains us in the middle of all these threats and dangers. Joined to Jesus in his death and resurrection through baptism and citizens of God's holy city, God invites us to stop, to rest, to relax and to witness as He brings peace and salvation to the world through Jesus Christ: "Be still and know that I am God."

Here we find wonderful counsel as we anticipate our coming summer rest and vacations. Come, rest in God's love for you. Come, enjoy new life in God's abiding presence. Come, re-center your life in water and God's word. Come, and worship the God who raised Jesus from the dead and who has promised to be your life and salvation.

How? Well, maybe we could start by re-imagining our summer routines. As we enjoy peaceful times outdoors -- in our yards, down the shore, time in the sun, on the water -- enter into contemplative prayer. Clear your mind to be aware of God's presence in your life. Looking for a summer read? Re-discover God's story in the Bible. You will find a story of romance in the book of Ruth. The story of political intrigue and rivalry in First and Second Samuel. A thriller in the books of Exodus and Esther. Wit, wisdom and inspiration for self-improvement in Proverbs and other wisdom writings. The story of God's love incarnate in the story of Jesus in Gospel's. And what would summer be without getting together with friends in a spirit of thanksgiving, for fellowship for a meal. Well, come on over to Holy Trinity. We meet every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and every Thursday evening at 6:15 and 7 p.m. Stop by and bring everyone you know. Everyone is welcome.

In Our Community

In Memory…Irene Wahl, 1914 - 2009
Irene Wahl, 94, passed away on May 2, 2009, in Bountiful, Utah after living a long and prosperous life. Irene was raised in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, where music and church were an important part of her family’s life. She learned to play the piano at a young age, and she and her best friend Ruth (Hansen) Winther, preformed in many shows and musicals. They even had the opportunity and performed for the King and Queen of Norway while the royal couple was touring the United States.

After graduating from high school, Irene worked in a bank in New York City. It was there that she met her husband, Emil C. Wahl. Emil and Irene moved to Nutley, New Jersey, where they started a family. She attended Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, where she sang in the choir. She was a faithful member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Nutley, New Jersey, where she served as President of the Women’s Group and on many committees with her friend Helen Blair.

After health issues, Irene moved to Utah, where she spent six happy years at Country Care Assisted Living Facility in Farmington, Utah.

Irene is survived by her two sons, Allen (Judith Cashman) and Raymond (Shana); two grandsons, Daniel and Michael, and one great granddaughter, Lily Ann Griggs. She is preceded in death by her parents, her brother and protector, Harry, and her devoted husband Emil.

A gathering to celebrate Irene’s life will be held sometime in the summer. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund, 158 Vreeland Avenue, Nutley, NJ 07110.
Condolences may be shared at

Thank You!
Once again this years’ Aids Walk New York (AWNY) was a big success. Over 45,000 people participated and even in the midst of a tough economy raised more than $5,600,000. Funds raised from the walkathon go to numerous programs and educational services to support people living with HIV/AIDS, and to over 60 other tri-state area AIDS organizations. Thanks to the generosity of the Holy Trinity family Nancy and Tony Maguire were again able to raise over $1000. Donations can still be made for this cause. Checks should be payable to AWNY and can be given to Nancy or Tony anytime. You can also mail your check to 26 Parsons Ct., Mahwah, NJ 07430. If you would like more information please call them at (201) 934-9366. You can also visit ~ Nancy Maguire

It is with great joy that we announce the arrival of twins Samantha and Allison Mattis, daughters of Bob and Kareen (Ayotte) Mattis. Maternal grandparents are Gerry and Nancy Ayotte. The twins will be baptized at Holy Trinity on Father’s Day, June 21.

Congratulations on the engagement of Cathy Geiselmann to Mike Palamara. They will be married in 2010!

Congratulations and our very best wishes to our graduates! Graduating from Nutley High School are Robert Catelli, Danny Fornasa, Brian Johnson, Miles Mueller and Sean Ulley. Robert Kozak is graduating from Paramus Catholic and plans to join the Marines. Gentlemen—please keep in touch and we will keep you in our prayers! Send us your email addresses, let us know your future plans and how you are doing.

Stewardship Strengthens

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus
During summer, many of us are blessed to enjoy some time away on vacation. What a blessing! What a gift! While we are away, whether we travel near or far, remember to give thanks for all of God's good gifts. Also, remember to continue to give generously to the mission and ministry of Holy Trinity throughout the summer.

The important work of God's mission continues during the summer months, especially as we lead up to our Vacation Bible School in August. If you find yourself with more time during the summer, ask yourself how you can use that time to share the good news of Jesus; to lead others in overcoming barriers; to guide others into a relationship with Jesus and his community of disciples. How might you go about doing that kind of work this summer? Share with the people of Holy Trinity what you are doing in mission this summer. E-mail to share your story.

Our Town Needs Your Help

With the economic downturn continuing, the needs of Nutley citizens grows. Use your gifts of time and talent to “connect one to many” by considering these volunteer opportunities:

Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB):
This increasingly valuable town resource would like to expand its’ current operating schedule. To make this possible, the NFSB needs several volunteers from 11:00am until 3:00pm on the second Saturday of each month. At least 3 people are required, but more will allow the NFSB to rotate responsibility. Those that are interested in volunteering should call Jolinda Griwert, (Co-Director, NFSB) at (973) 667-6322 after 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

Nutley Red Cross (NRC):
Current programs in need of assistance include:

•Senior transportation: drivers offer one morning or afternoon per week transporting seniors to medical appointments in Nutley and neighboring towns.

•Food pantry: pack food bags for families, weekdays and weekends.

•General office assistance: answering phones, make appointments and distribute food bags, one morning or one afternoon each week.

•Blood drives: greet and sign in donors and operate the coffee table, the third Tuesday of each month from 3pm – 8pm.

Please let us know if you would like to volunteer – the Church Office has the Volunteer Applications for the Red Cross. Thank you.

June Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples


1:Scott Jones, Joyce Lin
4:Pastor Jim Krombholz
6:Chelsea Cicc
8:Ken Geiselmann, Sean Ulley
9:Ava Bacik
10:Ellen Oberndorf
15:Jakob Krombholz
18:Ann Erwin
26:Samantha Hess
28:Luke Krombholz


4:Richard & Erika Bacik
14:alex & Aida Rubens
22:James & Dorothy Greengrove
23:Ed & Evelyn Cordes
26:John & Verna Norton
28:Chris & Nancy Duhm

Each day of the week except Sunday has the name of a person in this community. Please remember that person in your prayers that day.

1:Jeannette Rusignuolo
2:Gloria Ryden
3:Teresa Scalcione
4:Doris Schulz
5:Edith Schulz
6:Greg Sekula
8:Ruth Sekula
9:Frank Siclari
10:Chris Siclari
11:Victor Smith
12:Audrey Stevens
13:Larry Stevens
15:Tom Stevens
16:Jan Strachan
17:Janet Strachan
18:Michael Suttora
19:Kara Suttora
20:Benjamin Suttora
22:Jack Suttora
23:Elaine Tanimura
24:Richard Ulley
25:Susan Ulley
26:Sean Ulley
27:David Van Houten
29:Grace Viola
30:Al Weber

Father's Day Contributions to the Endowment Fund

Three times a year, we encourage the people of Holy Trinity to make gifts to the Endowment Fund in honor of their parents and others through whom God has worked to build faith – Mother’s Day, All Saints Day, and Father’s Day. The name of the donor and the person honored in the gift will be included in the bulletin on these special days. Our Endowment Fund is a vital ongoing and multiplying source of support for our current mission and ministry, but more than that, your gift to the fund is invested; it grows to bear fruit in support of God’s future work through this congregation.

Here is an opportunity for all people of Holy Trinity to participate in the future effort of God’s mission. If you would like to make a gift to the Endowment Fund, please use the tear-off at the bottom of this sheet and include it with your check made out to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund.

2009 Father’s Day Gift to the Endowment Fund of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Name: ____________________________________________


Amount: ___________


Name of person(s) to be honored/remembered:



Name of person(s) giving the gift:


Please leave this sheet and offering in the offering plate, or call the office at 973-667-0256 to make other arrangements.