Thursday, March 26, 2009

Invite a Friend This Easter/Easter Breakfast Sign-Up

Can you think of a better day than Easter to invite a friend or their entire family to join you in worship, to sing God’s praises and to hear God’s promises for you and the world God loves?

Bring them to the breakfast to benefit the Nutley First Aid Squad and then worship God together, because Jesus has been raised from the dead! What better news could we share with people we love?

Easter Breakfast Sign-up
Please fill out this form and return it to the Church Office no later than Sunday, April 5th. This will help us to know how much food to prepare.
Remember, this is the perfect opportunity to invite a friend or relative to come with you to hear the good news that changes everything in this world: God raised Jesus from the dead! Because He lives, we live, too.

_____Yes, I/we plan to be at the Easter Breakfast (Sunday, April 12th)

Number of people who plan to attend:_____

_____I/we would like to serve at the breakfast.

Names(s) of those attending:___________________________________


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