Thursday, March 26, 2009

April Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

April Birthdays
4:Ken Duke
5:Justin Munoz, Richard Hudnett
9:Brian Johnson, Alexandra Rubens
10:Elfrieda Fenton, Erica Geiselmann
14:Sarah Jones
18:Christine Esparolini, Jeff Lin
22:Richard Bacik
24:Nancy Guenther
26:Ed Cordes, Miriam Mascola
29:Sharon Murphy

April Anniversaries
7:Greg and Ruth Sekula
21:Otto and Hedy Mayr

Each day of the week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Please, remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week.

1:Nicole Mozeliak
2:Lizzy Wiede
3:Holly Wiede
4:Martin Mueller
6:Sally Mueller
7:Max Mueller
8:Miles Mueller
9:Daniel Munoz
10:Brenda Munoz
11:Justin Munoz
13:Ethan Munoz
14:Bonnie Munoz
15:Marie Munoz
16:Damian Murphy
17:Sharon Murphy
18:Angela Murphy
20:Erika Murphy
21:Alex Murphy
22:Olivia Murphy
23:Sara Murphy
24:William Murphy
25:Dennis Murphy
27:Daniel Murphy
28:Shannon Murphy
29:Kathe Nieciecki
30:John Norton

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