Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here are four simple ways to get back to basics by making use of the activities we have in place at Holy Trinity this Lent. Through them, I believe God will be at work transforming our lives and the way we live.

1. Worship every Sunday. Here is the one place in life where all the basics of the Christian faith come together. The triune God is present in our assembly, giving God's gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation through God's Word and the Sacrament. Here together we pray, read and discuss scripture, share stories of God's powerful deeds, fellowship with our brothers and sisters, give generously, and hear God's call to go out and serve.

2. Come to the Soup Suppers. A simple, basic meal of hearty soup and bread. It's the ultimate recession-buster meal, but with no hint of scarcity because it is a shared meal. There is always more than enough, so invite your friends. And, once over the course of the five-weeks, please bring a pot of your soup or some of your favorite bread to share with everyone else.

3. Participate in the Bible study and book discussion. A chance to get out of the house, interact with people, exercise your mind and your heart as together we consider how we can more effectively share God's love for the world. Give up a night of mindless entertainment and replace it with community-building, faith growing fellowship and conversation.

4. Give a tenth. It seems most people are cutting back on excess spending. That is good. But I wonder if we could, at the same time, increase our giving. As we more closely scrutinize our spending, perhaps we could be more liberal with our giving and in that way be open to God to transform our lives and change our identity from spenders and consumers to givers.

There is a common thread in all the stories I have heard of God at work in challenging economic times: the generosity of God's people changes the lives of both those who give and those who receive. I challenge you to give a tithe, a tenth, this Lenten season if you are not doing so already. If you are giving at that level, look for opportunities to give even more. Between Feb. 25 and April 12, go ahead and give a full 10 percent of your income. As you do, keep a journal of the experience and share your experiences and your reflections with the rest of us.

So there it is, four simple and easy ways to get back to basics: Worship every Sunday. Come to the Soup suppers with friends. Participate in Bible study and book discussions. Give a tenth. It's back to basics. And the basics are good. Let's do it together as a community for the next six weeks. Then, let's get together and talk about how God has been working to change our lives and the way we live ... in Jesus name.

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