Thursday, February 19, 2009


If you would like to purchase Easter plants, please return the form along with your payment, by Sunday, March 15th. You may take home your plant(s) after Easter Worship, or you may leave it for our members who are homebound or ill.

Name/Envelope#: _______________________________/#_______

In Honor Of: ________________________________________

In Memory Of: ________________________________________

No. of Lilies: ______@ $9.00 each = $__________

No. of Daffodils: ______@ $9.00 each = $__________

No. of Hyacinths: ______@ $9.00 each = $__________

No. of Tulips: ______@ $9.00 each = $__________

No. of Pompoms: ______@ $3.50 each = $__________

TOTAL ENCLOSED $__________

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