Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Put your faith in Jesus into action!
There are many ways you can use your gifts to encourage and build up the people of Holy Trinity so that we can share the gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. Here are some ways to serve (please check as many as you are interested in). Return this form to the church office.

Your name:________________________________________

Teams: I am interested in serving on one of these teams:
__Worship and Music ___ Evangelism ___ Stewardship __ Property
__ Discipleship (education) __ Church Council __ Transformation
__ God is calling me to lead a team.

Ministries: I would love to serve by participating in these ministries:
__ Prayer chain __ Choir __ Sunday School __VBS __ Visiting
__ Welcoming __ Walking __ Book group __ Community Newsletter
__ Publicity __ Web site __ Women’s Group __ Bible Study
__ Events __Book Group __ Outdoor __ Game night __ Senior Care
__ I play these musical instruments: ____________________________

I am passionate about and gifted by God to lead this ministry: __________________________________________________________

I am passionate about starting this ministry at Holy Trinity. Help me: __________________________________________________________

I know I am gifted, but I need help discovering those gifts. Call me: __________________________________________________________

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