Tuesday, January 27, 2009


“As Jesus passed along the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea – for they were fisherman. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” Mark 1:16

You are baptized. You have been called and ordained into a life of discipleship and service in Jesus Christ. As a meditation, take this passage above and put your name in the place of Simon and Andrew and your profession in the place of their profession. For example, One day Jesus was walking through an office park. He saw Jim sitting at his desk, writing a story – for he was a writer. And Jesus said to him, “Follow me and I will make you write for people … Now, fishing provides a vivid metaphor in and of itself for the call to discipleship and disciple making. Think about casting the net of the Gospel and catching up all manner of people, entangling them in this thing that God is doing in the world through Jesus Christ. But none of us is a professional fisherperson. We are sales people, logistics people, teachers, musicians, book-keepers, administrators and all sorts of other things. Think how rich your profession is in images and strategies to invite people into a relationship with Jesus. Consider, for example, that sales isn’t all about selling, it’s also about developing a relationship with your client that commits him to you and you to him for life. Or, think about teaching, where we invite our students to enter a new world, learn new skills, imagine new ways of being and relating. Or, think about being a manager, how it’s all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time doing the appropriate thing in healthy ways.

As we begin 2009 together, what do you plan to do this year to live out your baptismal call and deepen your discipleship, and how do you plan to use your gifts to live out your baptismal call and go and make disciples? My answer: Pray, read the Bible, share some stories of God at work, transforming my life, and asking more questions like the one I just asked.

How to get in touch with Pastor Jim
You can stop by the church office, but call first to check if he’s in. The office phone number is (973) 667-0256. You can call pastor at his home, (732) 548-1215; you can e-mail him at pastor.htlcnutley@verizon.net

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