Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We are on a mission to fight hunger!
Twenty years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, a single youth group was inspired by a simple prayer. They started the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement that is now an international event.

Since then, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $50 million for individual charities across the country. It is also turning our nation’s biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.

Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Please bring your contribution to church on Sunday, February 1, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. (or mail a donation to church clearly marked “Souper Bowl”.) Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community through the work of the Nutley Red Cross.

With your help, more dollars will be raised, more lives will be changed and more young people will experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others. With your help, let’s try to collect $175 this year. Please visit www.souperbowl.org for more information.

Women of the ELCA
Our next WELCA meeting will be Wednesday, February 18th at 7:30 PM. Marcia Hayes will host the meeting at her home—142 Conover Ave., Nutley. Please call Marcia at (973) 661-4136 to let her know that you will be attending. All women are welcome.

Men’s Bible Breakfast
Saturday, February 21st. Meet at church at 9:00 am—please join us!


We try never to have to cancel worship, but in case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office: (973) 667-0256. Should we need to cancel, the message will be updated by 8:00 AM.


Thursdays in Lent (March 5 and on):
This year’s Lenten book study will center on The Isaiah Vision by Raymond Fung--“An Ecumenical Strategy for Congregational Evangelism.” We will gather with our friends from Franklin Reformed Church. Invite another friend! Please fill out the slip below to help us prepare.


Will attend (please circle one): Afternoon (2:00 p.m.) Evening
Please order ___ copies of the book.

(Soup sign-up will be circulated at worship, or call the office to volunteer.)


Ash Wednesday worship—February 25--
with imposition of ashes:
11:30 a.m. (with brown bag lunch) and 7:30 p.m.

Thursday Soup and Study (March 5 – April 2)
2:00 p.m.: Book Study: The Isaiah Vision by Raymond Fung
6:15 p.m.: Soup Supper
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.: Book Study (same as above)
8:00 p.m. – Choir


“As Jesus passed along the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea – for they were fisherman. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” Mark 1:16

You are baptized. You have been called and ordained into a life of discipleship and service in Jesus Christ. As a meditation, take this passage above and put your name in the place of Simon and Andrew and your profession in the place of their profession. For example, One day Jesus was walking through an office park. He saw Jim sitting at his desk, writing a story – for he was a writer. And Jesus said to him, “Follow me and I will make you write for people … Now, fishing provides a vivid metaphor in and of itself for the call to discipleship and disciple making. Think about casting the net of the Gospel and catching up all manner of people, entangling them in this thing that God is doing in the world through Jesus Christ. But none of us is a professional fisherperson. We are sales people, logistics people, teachers, musicians, book-keepers, administrators and all sorts of other things. Think how rich your profession is in images and strategies to invite people into a relationship with Jesus. Consider, for example, that sales isn’t all about selling, it’s also about developing a relationship with your client that commits him to you and you to him for life. Or, think about teaching, where we invite our students to enter a new world, learn new skills, imagine new ways of being and relating. Or, think about being a manager, how it’s all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time doing the appropriate thing in healthy ways.

As we begin 2009 together, what do you plan to do this year to live out your baptismal call and deepen your discipleship, and how do you plan to use your gifts to live out your baptismal call and go and make disciples? My answer: Pray, read the Bible, share some stories of God at work, transforming my life, and asking more questions like the one I just asked.

How to get in touch with Pastor Jim
You can stop by the church office, but call first to check if he’s in. The office phone number is (973) 667-0256. You can call pastor at his home, (732) 548-1215; you can e-mail him at pastor.htlcnutley@verizon.net


Chelsea Cicci is again working as choreographer for the 2009 Bloomfield High School production of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Opening night is Thursday, February 26 at 7:30 PM. Other performances are Friday and Saturday, Feb. 27 & 28 at 7:30 PM and a 2:00 PM matinee on Sunday, March 1. Bloomfield High School is at 160 Broad St., Bloomfield. Please call the high school at (973) 680-8600 for ticket information.

You may recall that Chelsea received two Rising Star Awards (for makeup and hair, and co-direction) from Paper Mill Playhouse last year for her work on Cats.

Winter Shoveling
The Dept. of Public Safety offers a “Shovel Out Seniors” program to help senior citizens in the winter months. Nutley students will shovel for either a nominal fee or community service hours. Please call (973) 284-4929 to register and then call after each storm to request service.

Our Holy Trinity Choir meets Thursday nights at 8 pm. Speak to Scott Jones for more information – (973) 338-0267.

The Bloomfield Chorale, under the direction of Ruth Hsu, rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-9:30 pm at the Bloomfield Civic Center, 84 Broad Street. Speak to Ruth for more information – (973) 667-1440.


Are you interested in becoming a member of this community? Do you simply want to learn more about what this community of disciples is about and is called to do? Do you want to learn more about being a disciple of Jesus? Then sign up for our new member class. After signing up, pastor will meet with you and your family to set up a date for the class.

Sign me/us up:


Phone __________________________________________________

E-mail __________________________________________________


February Birthdays

1:John Franchino
4:Brenda Munoz
5:Dorothy Wilson
15:Olivia Murphy
16:Edith Schulz, Rebecca Lovas
17:Amanda Davey, Otto Mayr
21:Eric Oberndorf, Christina Hudnett
24:Susan Ulley
26:Emily Jones
28:Sally Mueller

February Anniversaries
18:John & Judi Lovas
22:Richard & Barbara Hudnett


Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Put your faith in Jesus into action!
There are many ways you can use your gifts to encourage and build up the people of Holy Trinity so that we can share the gospel, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. Here are some ways to serve (please check as many as you are interested in). Return this form to the church office.

Your name:________________________________________

Teams: I am interested in serving on one of these teams:
__Worship and Music ___ Evangelism ___ Stewardship __ Property
__ Discipleship (education) __ Church Council __ Transformation
__ God is calling me to lead a team.

Ministries: I would love to serve by participating in these ministries:
__ Prayer chain __ Choir __ Sunday School __VBS __ Visiting
__ Welcoming __ Walking __ Book group __ Community Newsletter
__ Publicity __ Web site __ Women’s Group __ Bible Study
__ Events __Book Group __ Outdoor __ Game night __ Senior Care
__ I play these musical instruments: ____________________________

I am passionate about and gifted by God to lead this ministry: __________________________________________________________

I am passionate about starting this ministry at Holy Trinity. Help me: __________________________________________________________

I know I am gifted, but I need help discovering those gifts. Call me: __________________________________________________________


Monday evening 7:30 p.m., an overview of the various prophets and their message, asking what is God doing, what is God saying to us and what is God saying to our church, community, nation and world?

Thursday afternoon 2 p.m., we read, discuss and apply the Gospel lesson for the coming Sunday

Men’s Bible Breakfast, Sat., Feb. 21 at 9:00 a.m.

If you are unable to attend any of these studies, see Pastor Jim about taking part in a do-it-yourself, weekly study or online discussion group.


The NJ Synod’s 20th Annual Conference on Congregational Ministries will be held on Saturday, March 28th from 8:00 am-3:30 pm at Steinert High School in Hamilton Square, NJ. This year’s theme is “Opening the Book of Faith: Come and Follow Jesus for the Sake of the World.” The Rev. Timothy J. Wengert from the Philadelphia Seminary will be the keynote speaker. Put the date on your calendar and plan to attend with a group from Holy Trinity!


This colorful and sturdy magazine helps to nurture the faith of children 6 years old and younger. Through Bible stories, prayers, songs and ritual, this newest ELCA publication shows young children how much God loves them and tells them that Jesus is their savior and friend. Individual subscriptions are $24.95 per year. A group rate qualifies congregations—or individuals who join together—to order six or more for the low price of $12.95 per subscription. www.thelittlelutheran.org


As we are all aware, we are living in uncertain economic times. Many of our friends, neighbors and those we work with and for are experiencing financial hardships and facing very challenging circumstances. Some have never had to reach out before and therefore may not be aware of the help that is available.
However, there is a bit of a silver lining, and it pertains to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, commonly known as LIHEAP. New Jersey received $185 million to fund the LIHEAP program this year and has made three key enhancements that you need to be aware of:

•Income limits have been increased, which allows more households to be eligible for the program. For example, a family of four can make $3,975 per month and still be eligible; this is almost $1,000 more than last year. The full list of guidelines is available at the church office or online at pseg.com

•Grant amounts have also increased. The average benefit for gas heating customers is $387, a 19% increase over last year, while oil fuel benefits have increased by 400%, with an average benefit being $1296.

•The LIHEAP application intake period has also been extended through April 30, 2009. Applications and information about LIHEAP and other energy assistance programs are available at any of the 16 PSE&G Customer Service Centers or by visiting our English/Spanish website at www.pseg.com/billassitance