Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Worship + Music

Thursday Evening Soup & Study in Lent (March 1-April 5):
During lent, we gather with our sisters and brothers from Franklin Reformed Church on Thursday evenings to share a simple meal and discuss our shared faith. We gather in the Fellowship Hall of Holy Trinity.

Our Lenten study book will be Why Christian?: For those on the edge of faith, by Douglass John Hall. Hall is a contemporary theologian who teaches at McGill University in Canada.

You can order this book yourself online or you can use the form on this page, and we will order the book for you. Each copy is $13. Please place your order in the office by Thursday, February 16th. Please make checks payable to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.”

2012 Lenten Book Study

Name(s): _________________________________________________

Please order ______ copies of the book at $13 each.

(Soup sign-up will be circulated at worship, or call the office
to volunteer.)

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