Tuesday, February 7, 2012

From Pastor Kristin:

I spent the week of January 23rd with St. Francis of Assisi watching over me. It’s true! I spent the week at the ELCA Northeast Regional Leadership Guild, which took place at a Catholic Retreat House in Pennsylvania. In my door, was a stained glass image of St. Francis. Once I got over the stare of St. Francis, I turned my attention to the reason I was in Pennsylvania - to listen to speakers and workshop leaders who would teach me, and my peers, everything we didn’t learn in seminary.

But, this year, the creators of this event for recently ordained people like me, changed things up. Instead of speakers dumping information into our brains, we focused on leadership through the lens of community organizing. We engaged in discussions about our own strengths and growing edges. We were blunt about the challenges we’re struggling with in our individual congregations and in the broader church. And we were honest about our own spirituaity. THEN – we agitated one another.

That’s right. We AGITATED one another.
We prodded one another about what is holding us back. We asked pointed, yet caring questions about what is keeping us from fully following God’s vision for ministry. And we urged one another in planning concrete steps to becoming more powerful leaders.

This was the first time I had heard that agitating others can be considered a skill –and a good quality of leadership!

Which got me thinking…about how God agitates our faith. After all, that’s where the ministry begins. With God. With faith. With God’s promise to love and work and move in our hearts, through the blowing winds of the Holy Spirit.
Brother Roger of Taize (an ecumenical monastic community in France) wrote that “the Gospel comes to turn our lives upside down: by the Holy Spirit, Christ penetrates what worries us about ourselves. He reaches what seems to be out of reach, so that even the darkest places can be illuminated by his presence…it causes what had been smouldering unders ashes to burst into flame.”

On page 5 of this newsletter, you will find a way of opening yourself up to the agitation of the Holy Spirit. Of intentionally welcoming in the Gospel to penetrate your life and your faith. The “Examen” was developed by St. Francis (the same one who stared at me all week in Pennsylvania) as way of reflecting on how God speaks and moves in our lives each day.

Beginning in lent, we will also be creating opportunities in worship for you to share how you have experienced and even been agitated by God in the past week. Additionally, we will be creating concrete opportunities for you to speak and give the prayers of your life and heart over to God - completing the circle that begins when Christ, through the Holy Spirit, goes to work in us, and in our lives.
May the God of agitation be with you!

Worship + Music

Thursday Evening Soup & Study in Lent (March 1-April 5):
During lent, we gather with our sisters and brothers from Franklin Reformed Church on Thursday evenings to share a simple meal and discuss our shared faith. We gather in the Fellowship Hall of Holy Trinity.

Our Lenten study book will be Why Christian?: For those on the edge of faith, by Douglass John Hall. Hall is a contemporary theologian who teaches at McGill University in Canada.

You can order this book yourself online or you can use the form on this page, and we will order the book for you. Each copy is $13. Please place your order in the office by Thursday, February 16th. Please make checks payable to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.”

2012 Lenten Book Study

Name(s): _________________________________________________

Please order ______ copies of the book at $13 each.

(Soup sign-up will be circulated at worship, or call the office
to volunteer.)

Practicing Faith

Throughout the year, this section of the newsletter will include ways for you to practice your Christian faith in your everyday life.

The Examen, from St. Francis

Do what helps you to experience unconditional love. You might imagine yourself in your favorite place with someone you trust, such as a friend or with God.

You may wish to begin by lighting a candle. Then, put your feet flat on the floor. Take a few deep breaths from the bottom of your toes, up through your legs, your abdominal muscles, and your chest. Breathe in that unconditional love, and when you breathe out, fill the space around you with that love.

1.Place your hand on your heart and ask God to bring to your heart the moment today for which you are the most grateful. If you could relive one moment, which one would it be? When were you most able to give and receive love today?

Ask yourself what was said and done in that moment that made it so special. Breathe in that gratitude you felt and receive life again from that moment.

2.Ask God to bring to your heart the moment today for which you are least grateful. When were you least able to give and receive love?
Ask yourself what was said and done in that moment that made is so difficult. Be with whatever you fell without trying to change or fix it in anyway. You may wish to take deep breaths and let God’s love fill you just as you are.

3.Give thanks for whatever you have experienced. If possible, share as much as you wish of these two moments with a friend.

Open the Scripture. Give voice to your faith, and your questions.
The Monday evening and Thursday afternoon (only Thursday, February 2, 9 and 16th – then no Thursday study during lent) studies are currently discussing the Gospel and/or New Testament reading for the upcoming Sunday.

Your wisdom may even show up in the sermon! Meet in the Fellowship Hall: Monday at 7:30pm or Thursday at 2:00pm.

ECO-Palms for Palm Sunday Worship
For this Palm Sunday will again order “Eco-Palms” direct from Lutheran World Relief. Eco-Palms give more money to palm harvesters and protect the environment. This means more children finish school,
families can afford healthcare and the forest will continue to provide income for generations to come.

Remember We Who are Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex to help those of us who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish, box of pasta, pasta sauce, 1-can meals
tomato paste, bar soap, toilet paper

Caring Community

On A Mission to Fight Hunger!
More than 20 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, the youth of one congregation were inspired to do something to fight hunger. Out of their efforts came the “Souper Bowl of Caring.”

Since 1990, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $71 million for organizations that fight hunger throughout the United States. It has also transformed the biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.

On Souper Bowl Sunday, you are invited to make a special contribution to fight hunger in our community and put God’s love into action. On Sunday, February 5, place your Hunger donation into the soup pot, which will be passed with the offering plates. You can also mail a donation, just make sure it is marked “Souper Bowl”.
Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community. This year our donation will help the Care Kitchen at Vincent United Methodist Church.

More info at www.tacklehunger.org.

The New Jersey Synod’s Annual Conference on Congregational Ministries will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2012. We will submit more information as it is available. Put the date on your calendar and plan to participate. This is a great opportunity to gain tools for ministry!

In Our Community

In memoriam…
Janet Pierson Brown, the beloved wife of former pastor, Rev. Peter S. Brown, died on Jan. 20, 2012. Mrs. Brown was the mother of Rev. Jerilyn (Peter Breitsch) Brown and Rachel (Alan) Fyock. She is also survived by five grandchildren; three nephews, and two nieces. Mrs. Brown was the sister of Arlene Faris and John (Lynda) Pierson.

A memorial service was held at Trinity Lutheran Church, Dover, on January 28, 2012.

Katherine M. (Nowak) Ludwig, of Clifton, passed away Thursday, January 26, 2012 at Hospice Care at Hackensack. Born in Queens, NY, she lived in Nutley from 1958 before moving to Clifton 15 months ago. A graduate of Hackensack Hospital School of Nursing, Katherine was a Registered Nurse with Hackensack University Medical Center and active at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

The beloved wife of the late Henry G. Ludwig, she is survived by her children, Kathy Pisciotta & her husband Anthony, Linda Hunkele & her husband Thomas, Robert H. Ludwig & his wife Darlene and Donald E. Ludwig & his wife Kathleen; nine grandchildren, David Pisciotta, Jessica Meyer, Kristen Pisciotta, Carrie Mundaca, Amanda Hunkele, Lauren & Justine Ludwig, Matthew Hunkele & Harriet Ludwig and her great-grandson, Logan Mundaca.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions to the Alzheimer’s Association, Greater New Jersey Chapter, 400 Morris Avenue, Suite 251, Denville, NJ 07834-1365 would be appreciated.

Our sympathy and prayers are with both families.

Welcome to God’s family!
On January 15th Joseph Christopher Bernhard was baptized and marked with the cross of Christ forever! Joseph is the son of Joelle and Matthew Bernhard, the brother of Madison and Isabella, and the grandson of Joe and Liz Cicci. Joseph was born on October 10, 2011.

Welcome to the world!
On January 16th, Anthony Kenneth and Benjamin Michael Palamara, were born! Anthony and Benjamin are the sons of Cathy and Michael Palamara, and the grandsons and Ken and Irene Geiselmann. Hooray!

Save the date!
On March 31, Jared Lin will be performing Grieg's Piano Concerto in A Minor as a soloist accompanied by the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. Look for more information in our March newsletter.

In Our Community
Chelsea Cicci-Wright has received three Rising Star Awards from Paper Mill Playhouse for her work on the Bloomfield High School productions of Cats and How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.

Chelsea is again working as choreographer for the 2012 Bloomfield High School production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Many of the BHS Madrigal singers have leads! Jesus Christ Superstar is a rock opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics by Tim Rice. The musical started off as a rock opera concept recording before its first staging on Broadway in 1971. The musical is based very loosely on the Gospel account of the last week of Jesus' life, beginning with the preparation for the arrival of Jesus and his disciples in Jerusalem, and ending with the crucifixion. It highlights political and interpersonal struggles between Judas Iscariot and Jesus, struggles that are not in the Bible. The resurrection is not included. It therefore largely follows the form of a traditional passion play.

Opening night is Thursday, February 23 at 7:30 PM. Other performances are Friday and Saturday, Feb. 24 & 25 at 7:30 PM and a 2:00 PM matinee on Sunday, February 26. Bloomfield High School is at 160 Broad St., Bloomfield, NJ 07003. Please speak to Scott Jones or call the high school at (973) 680-8600 for tickets. $10 in advance; $12 after 2/22 and at the door (general seating, not reserved.) Please speak to Scott by 2/12 for 2/19 delivery.

Good to Know

Thank You
Dear Members of the Church Council & People of Holy Trinity,
Thank you very much for recognizing my 25 years as Minister of Music at the Annual Meeting on January 29.

I was presented with a very generous gift certificate for Broadway.com. We will enjoy getting in to see a show—something we have not done with Sarah in college. I consider my “work” a blessing. Thank you so much. Scott

2012 Flower Chart
The 2012 altar flower donation chart is now posted outside the office. Please sign up or call the office to donate altar flowers in 2012The cost is $30.00. Thanks to all who donated flowers in 2011!

Annual Reports
The 2011 Annual Report of Ministry from the Annual Congregational meeting held on January 29 is available through the church office. If you were unable to participate in the meeting, but would like a copy, please contact the office.

Meeting Report: it was a positive meeting! The 2012 spending plan was approved unanimously, and Emily Jones, Ken Geiselmann, Julie Franchino and Sally Mueller were elected to council.

Help Wanted
St. Paul's Church, Nutley is seeking a part time Church Office Administrator,
9-12 hours per week. Computer and web skills are a must. Send resume' to: info@stpaulsuccnutley.org

Is it a Snow Day?
We hate cancelling worship!, but in the case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office (973) 667-0256. The message will be updated by 8:00 AM with worship news.

Like Us?
Then Like Holy Trinity’s Facebook page. You’ll get updates on the goings on at Holy Trinity; see pictures from events, read previous sermons, and more!

February Birthdays and Anniversaries
1: John Franchino
4: Brenda Munoz
15: Olivia Murphy
16: Rebecca Lovas
17: Amanda Davey, Otto Mayr
21: Eric Oberndorf
24: Susan Ulley
24: Teresa Scalcione
26: Emily Jones
28: Sally Mueller

18: John & Judi Lovas