Thursday, March 31, 2011

From the President

I am humbled to be serving as your new Church Council president. I’m trying to fill very large shoes left empty as Chris Duhm completed two consecutive terms on Council. On behalf of Council, I thank him for faithful service rendered, and his willingness to guide me in my new role. Greg Sekula continues as Vice-President, as well as chair of the Call Committee. Janet Strachan also continues as Secretary of the Council.

Your Council is tasked with keeping the church functioning in good order, especially while we continue to search for the best person to be the next pastor at Holy Trinity. This year we will be concentrating on the church building, as it needs repairs in several areas. You will hear more about this as we address the challenges.

Of course the Council is working closely with the Call Committee. The Call Committee is anxiously awaiting an interview with a candidate in the next couple of weeks. Should the committee like the candidate, members will go to hear the candidate preach. If they are still impressed, they will introduce the candidate to the Council. With Council’s approval, a date will be set for a congregational meeting. Please keep the Call Committee, the Church Council, and the candidate(s) in your prayers.

Additionally, Council is working with our neighbors who are concerned about the many meetings that our church hosts. Some of these are largely attended and have an impact on the neighborhood. We are seeking to balance our ministries with the needs of our neighbors who we must also care for. Again your prayers are requested as we seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this matter.

Holy Week and Easter are quickly approaching. On behalf of Council, I encourage you to share this meaningful week of services with us. From Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, to the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, God is with us and calling us to be among the faithful followers for whom God sacrificed Jesus. The Holy Week schedule is elsewhere in this newsletter; please plan to attend as many of the services as you can. Pastor Jack DiMatteo will be with us for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services!

Lastly, I cannot resist commenting on attendance at Sunday worship. I know it has been a long journey without a permanent pastor in place. But it is a journey we are making, and our supply pastors give us a chance to hear God’s word interpreted from many perspectives. Sadly, recent attendance has been declining; I wonder if our supply pastors realize we have a vibrant congregation that will survive our pastoral vacancy. Please remember that worship is a vital part of our faith. Coming together to worship God each week guides our faith and makes us stronger as a community. I miss many of the faces I used to see, and I hope the joyous news of Easter will bring you back to your church home each Sunday.
Elaine Miller

First Fruits Giving
At the February Church Council meeting, it was agreed to continue First Fruits giving of our income to the NJ Synod for mission support. We have committed to sending $10,500 to the Synod for use as follows:

$5, 250.00: goes to the ELCA for churchwide mission support

$2,000.25: to Resourcing Congregations – support the work of Youth Ministry, the Assistants to the Bishop and much more

$1,031.10: to Mission Partners such as Cross Road retreat center, Seafarers and International House, the Philadelphia seminary, and several others

$ 983.95: to the Office of the Bishop

$ 511.35: for Mission Strategies for forming new communities of disciples, new leaders, new partners

$ 723.45: for fiscal and property management – running the Synod office and Synod-owned properties

A lot of work can be done in the name of Jesus Christ with the donations we give as thanks for the good gifts given to us. More information is available at and

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