Thursday, August 26, 2010

On The Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
We will be moving our Bible Study back to Monday evenings, starting Monday, September 13th at 7:30pm.

Please join us as we gather in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Sunday School Rally Day!

Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 19 during the 10:00 AM worship service. Everyone in the congregation is invited to enjoy a light breakfast in the Fellowship Hall, starting at 9:00 AM. Pastor Pat Olausen will lead worship and preach that day. Save the date, and plan to join us!

If you are interested in planning, helping or teaching for Sunday School this year, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256.

Choir Rehearsals
will begin again on Thursday, September 16, at 8pm and the choir will sing on Sunday, September 12th. If you would like to join the choir or would like more information, please call, email or speak to Scott Jones.

"Thank You's" and Church Requests

Thank you!
Thank you to everyone that made our Baobab Blast a success! To EVERYONE who helped in any way to make it possible—through donations, decorating, prep work for arts and crafts, teaching or helping as part of our team.

Thanks to our staff:
Scott Jones, Ruth Hsu, Elaine Miller, Tina Patti, Emily Jones, Sarah Jones, Lauren Kyle, Chris Caporaso, Cathy Palamara, Julie Franchino, Nancy Duhm, Gail Ceravolo, Kara Suttora and Diane Petschel.

Thanks to all of you who participated in and acted as host for this years’ summer Lemonade!

Food Drive
Please remember our food drive. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex. Thank you!

Pastor Berkobin Books
Around the time of our 85th anniversary, David VanHouten had copies of Pastor Berkobin’s book available. We found out that the book is copyrighted and must be returned. If you have a copy at home, please bring it to the church office or call us if you need to have us pick it up. Thank you and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. (This is photocopies of typed pages, not the bound book with the stained glass cover!)

In Our Community

Magazine Swap
We here at Holy Trinity have started a magazine swap. Please bring in any magazines that you are done reading and swap them for something else; chances are you will have some material that another individual would be interested in. Maybe when visiting the sick or elderly you can bring along some reading material you think they might enjoy.

We will leave a drop-off box in the Narthex – please remember to REMOVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS label first. Please, NO NEWSPAPERS. Think about all the trees and money you might save, and the joy you might bring to someone that might not be able to afford a subscription!

Let’s Take a Walk!
The 2010 CROP Walk is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th AT 2PM. and will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair.

We will join neighbors from different faiths, cultures, and ages, walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Together we raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting agencies. Some 2,000 communities across the country take part each year. CROP = Communities – Responding to – Overcome-Poverty! The WALK will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, and is the usual 3 miles.

This year we are joining together in interfaith community CROP Hunger Walks around the theme “we walk because they walk.” T-shirts and baseball-style caps will be available at a cost of $10.00 for adults.

WALKS help fight hunger and poverty around the world including the U.S. Up to 25% of what a CROP Walk raises can assist food banks, pantries, community gardens, and other local hunger-fighting initiatives. The total raised for the 2009 Essex Walk in Montclair was over $16,000 (the $20,000 goal was not reached, but the weather did not cooperate) with $4,160.50 being returned for our 11 local food pantries in Montclair, Bloomfield, Kearny and Nutley.

The one and only meeting for the 2009 WALK will be Wednesday September 8th and 7:30pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 153 Park Street, Montclair. WALK envelopes, poster, flyers, t-shirts, etc. will be available for distribution. Call (973) 744-6043 with any questions.

Jared Lin to perform Concerto
Through an audition, Jared Lin has been selected to perform the Grieg Piano Concerto in A minor, Opus 16 with the Bergen Philharmonic. Congratulations, Jared! The exact date of the performance has not yet been set, but we will let you know once it is scheduled.

A New House!
Congratulations and best wishes to Ellen Oberndorf and Chris Stanberry, who recently moved into their first home! Their address is:
34 Clair St., Bloomfield, NJ 07003

Off To College!
Jeffrey Lin is off for his first year at the University of Wisconsin—Madison to study engineering. Maura Cicci will continue her education, pursuing a degree in Veterinary Medicine.

Also returning to school are:
Joyce Lin, Northeastern
Max Mueller and Kevin Johnson, NJIT
Sarah Jones, Emerson
Sean Ulley, Rutgers
Miles Mueller and Danny Fornasa, Drexel
Brian Johnson, TCNJ

Let us know if we missed anyone. Students—have a great year! Please keep them in your prayers.

Let’s Have Some Fun…..
Game Night at Holy Trinity
Join us for another fun night of games on Saturday, September 18 at 7:30p.m. Bring a favorite board game, a deck of cards, or just yourself! You may also bring refreshments to share. We hope to see you!

Altar Flowers
Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

September 19, September 26, November 7, November 21

The cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office; if you cannot make it to church but would care to sign up for a date, please give us a call and we can do it for you – then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”. Thank you!

Room for Rent?
Do you or someone you know have a room for rent in Nutley? We were notified by a “Nutleyite” that she is in need of a room. She currently lives and works in Nutley, is a non-smoker, non-drinker, has references, no pets and does not require a kitchen but will require a bathroom/shower. Please call her at (973) 715-6175 if you can help – her name in Ellen.

Want to Help Us Go Paperless?

Using E-mail to Make, Keep and Invite Friends.
Communication is vital to any relationship. That includes your relationship with other groups, teams and ministries going on at Holy Trinity. E-mail puts a powerful communication tool at our fingertips. Not only can we stay informed about news, events and happenings in the Holy Trinity community, but we are able to share that news with our friends as well by passing the information along to them or inviting them to be part of the Holy Trinity mailing list.

Want To Help Us Go Paperless? As postal rates continue to rise -- we are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Want To Receive This Newsletter Electronically?

We are trying to distribute more and more of our information electronically. If you haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook.
You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

ELCA World Hunger

Lutherans Take a Stand on Childhood Hunger

A paper plate is typically good only for holding a grilled hot dog or a hamburger at a summer barbeque. For members of Tree of Life Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, Pa., however, a paper plate became a conduit for a powerful message against childhood hunger. As part of this congregation's special series called “Our Daily Bread,” children decorated paper plates and wrote messages such as "Kids need food” and “Let kids eat food for free” and “No kid should be hungry.”

The series was the brainchild of Richard Geib, pastor of Tree of Life. And he found a willing lay leader in Jennifer Crist, whose participation in the project came out of her very personal experience with childhood hunger.

In 2008, Jennifer and her husband, George, adopted twins, Natalie and Tabitha, from Ethiopia. The children were malnourished when they arrived at their new home in Harrisburg. With proper nutrition, and lavish doses of love, the children grew through four clothing sizes in just one year.

At her pastor’s request, Jennifer eagerly dove into organizing and leading “Our Daily Bread” with the Rev. Amy E. Reumann, director of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania. Adults participated in facilitated discussions about the link between poverty and hunger and wrote letters to their state representatives. Sunday School children expressed their hopes to end hunger by writing on and decorating paper plates. “The amazing part of the series for me was [watching the children decorate] their paper plates,” Pastor Amy says. “They understood immediately that all children need to have enough to eat, and they got right down to work.” Jennifer echoes Amy's words. “My greatest concern is that adults feel the problem is too big and that they cannot make a difference,” she says. “I specifically mention adults because, if you talk to children about hunger and poverty, they are moved to compassion and action right away.

“I hope to change this perception by finding tangible ways for adults to work toward eliminating hunger and poverty, while empowering children to carry out their ideas. We need to use our God-given gifts to improve the health of children in our global communities.”

Delivering a Message for Change
Once completed, the letters and paper plates were blessed during Sunday worship. The letters were mailed to Pennsylvania state representatives, while the decorated plates were hand-delivered to U.S. Congressman Tim Holden (D-PA) in Washington, D.C.
Jennifer would like to make “Our Daily Bread” a yearly series at her congregation. “I will also continue to speak to groups of adults and children and to offer opportunities and encouragement to them as they act to address childhood nutrition, hunger, and poverty issues,” she says.

“At the end of the day, members of Congress are most responsive to their constituents, so they'll say, 'I agree with the policy, but what do the people in my district think?' Lutherans should know how powerful even a relatively small number of calls, e-mails, or letters can be!”

For Jennifer, advocacy also feeds her faith. “I have often been humbled by my little faith when witnessing the great faith of many who live in poverty and hunger,” she says. “This inspires me even more to do and to encourage others to be the body of Christ that we are called to be in our own special ways.”

For more information, go to

Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors
Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

September Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

September Birthdays:
3:Alexander Murphy
7:Leona Candura
9:Maura Cicci
10:Helen Blair
11:Angelika Achtiani
20: Danny Murphy
24:Holly Wiede
26:Alicia Hudnett
27:Hedy Mayr
28:Susan Wilson
29:Janet Strachan

10: John & Evelyn Denkinger
11: John & Elfrieda Fenton
13: Ken & Dot Duke

Disciples(please pray for each person on the date listed):
1:Michael Catelli
2:Robert Catelli
3:George Ceravolo
4:Gail Ceravolo
6:Barbara Christman
7:Joe Cicci
8:Liz Cicci
9:Maura Cicci
10:Elise Cooper
11:Ed Cordes
13:Evelyn Cordes
14:Louis D'Anolo
15:Terry D'Agnolo
16:Meredith D'Agnolo
17:Rory D'Agnolo
18:Aubrey D'Agnolo
20:Carolyn Davey
21:Amanda Davey
22:Briana Davey
23:Jeff DeBellis
24:Susan DeBellis
25:Christopher DeBellis
27:Renee DeBellis
28:John Denkinger
29:Evelyn Denkinger
30:Chris Duhm