Thursday, December 1, 2011

From Pastor Kristin

When I was growing up, my brother and I would always fight over who got to light and blow out the candles on our family advent wreath.

It was an advent tradition in our household to have an advent areath on the dinner table, which would get lit every time my family gathered for a meal. Some years my mom would get fancy and put evergreen branches with the four candles. Other years, it was enough that the candles didn’t tip over while lit and light the whole table on fire.

I still don’t know what it is about an advent wreath – about the 1,2,3, and then 4 small lights on the table – that speaks to me. Even what it is about the season of advent that I so enjoy. Perhaps it is the light shining on these dark nights. Perhaps it is the season’s contrariness that stands stubbornly in resistance to an invading Christmas. Perhaps it’s just a reason I can use not to join the mobs at the mall. Or perhaps, it is the ritual of meeting God in a simple tradition and season that still seems so mysterious.

When we enter into the mysterious, otherworldly, unexpectedness of advent, we are in good company – even if we don’t completely understand what is going on or what God is up to in this advent season. For we join our voices with a weird, bellowing man named John who made his home in the dried-up desert. We become perplexed with a teenage girl who wonders what God is doing with her life. And we believe in the midst of our doubts with a dangerously pregnant Elizabeth. People whose lives have been turned upside down by God

I hope that in the mystery of this advent season, God will enter into your life, and turn you a bit upside down as well, as we wait for the coming of Jesus the Christ.

Pastor Kristin

Worship + Music

Sunday, December 18th, After Worship
Hanging of the Greens and Luncheon
Everyone, young and old, is needed to join in the fun of helping prepare the church for Christmas! After the greens are hung, we’ll gather around the table to share a simple meal. Just bring sandwiches, salad, or dessert to share. (Please call the office if you would like to attend and what you will be sharing.)

Gather some Greens for the Windows at Christmas
This year, when you cut or purchase your Christmas tree, please ask for any spare evergreen branches or hanging greens. Keep the evergreen branches in a cool place, and then bring them for the Hanging of the Greens on Sunday, December 18th.

Christmas Services at Holy Trinity
Now’s the time to invite a friend. Go ahead, share the good news, overcome the barriers and make the connection.

December 24th at 7:30pm
Candlelight service with carols, for all ages.

December 25th at 10:00am
Christmas Day Worship with St. Paul’s UCC
and Franklin Reformed, at Holy Trinity.

Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 11:00am
Worship with St. Paul’s UCC and Franklin Reformed, at Franklin Reformed (45 Hillside Crescent) .

Holiday Concert by Civic Band & Bloomfield Chorale
The Bloomfield Civic Band and Chorale will present their holiday program Sunday, Dec. 4 at 3:00 PM at Bloomfield Middle School (60 Huck Rd.) Emily Jones plays flute in the band and Ruth Hsu directs the Chorale in which Debbie and Scott Jones sing. Tickets are $15 or $10 with a discount coupon at

Walker Middle School Concerts
Catherine Rubens will be sharing her talents in two concerts this month at John Walker Middle School: a choral concert on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 PM and an instrumental concert on Wed., Dec 7 at 7:30 PM.

Nutley High School Concert
Jared Lin will be playing in the orchestra and band at the Nutley High School “Yuletide” concert on Thursday, Dec. 8 at 7:30 PM.

Bloomfield High School Winter Concert
On Wed., Dec. 14 at 7:30 PM, Bloomfield High School will present its annual Winter Concert. (160 Broad St., Bloomfield) The concert features the symphonic orchestra, brass ensemble and three choirs totaling over 200 singers. Scott Jones serves as the choir rehearsal and concert accompanist. Free.

BHS Madrigals and Bloomfield Chorale at Holy Trinity
It’s become a tradition to bring the Bloomfield High Madrigal Singers together with the Bloomfield Chorale for a concert. This year’s concert will be on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 8:00 PM. Free. Invite your friends and neighbors—get in the holiday spirit! Refreshments will be served.
Worship + Music

New Voice in the Choir
We have welcomed Catherine Rubens into our choir and we are very glad to have her! Catherine participates in the music program at John Walker Middle School, where she made the top choir. If we have other singers out there, please consider singing with the choir. Speak to Scott Jones, Minister of Music.

We would like to use re-usable mugs during Coffee & Tea Time so that we are better stewards of God’s creation. If you have any mugs at home that aren’t being used or aren’t needed – please bring them to the church office.

2012 Flower Chart
The new flower chart is posted outside the office. Please sign up or call the office to donate altar flowers in recognition of a special day. The cost is $30.00.

Is it a Snow Day?
We try never to have to cancel worship, but in case of inclement weather, please check the phone message at the office: (973) 667-0256. Should we need to cancel, the message will be updated by 8:00 AM.

Caring Community

Baby Shower for Cathy and Michael Palamara
Sunday, December 11 after worship in the Fellowship Hall.
Everyone is invited—not just women—and this is not a surprise!
Twin boys are due in February. Those planning to attend, please RSVP to Agee Lin at (973) 284-1835. Agee is also looking for additional help with planning and set-up.
Cathy and Mike are registered at Babies R Us (Search “Palamara” and then Cedar Grove).

"Your Grandmother’s Cupboard"
On Saturday, December 10 from 10am – 2pm,
the WELCA group of Holy Trinity will be collecting items for Your Grandmother’s Cupboard, which provides food, clothing and other necessities for the homeless, hungry and the other “invisible” children and adults in our community.

Items of dire need are:

Combs and brushes, Bars of Soap, Deodorant
Disposable Razors, Feminine Hygiene products,Shampoo
Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Toilet paper

Clothing: for men, women, and children
Especially need: Shoes and socks; Coats, hats, and gloves, and boots
Men’s work clothes (folded and sorted, if possible)

Other: Sheets (all sizes), blankets, comforters, sleeping bags

There is also a trailer that accepts donations at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church, Wayne, N.J. (973) 694-8316 or

Remember the Hungry
Donations of non-perishable food items help stock the Nutley Food Pantry, as well as provide emergency food aid to our neighbors. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex to help those of us who are hungry!

A Food Pantry Shopping List:

canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna fish
box of pasta, pasta sauce, 1-can meals
tomato paste, bar soap, toilet paper

Christmas Card Tradition
This year we would like to continue our tradition of having a congregational Christmas card. Instead of mailing individual cards to everyone, please bring in or mail one card to the entire congregation. The cards will be displayed in the narthex so that the congregation can read them.

The amount that would have been used towards cards and postage can then be put in the offering plate or mailed to the church office in an envelope marked "Christmas Card." The money will be donated to ELCA Good Gifts.

A Note from Chris and Nancy Duhm:
To our Dear Friends at HTLC,
We are so blessed to have you in our lives and consider you more family than friend!

We know that Hurricane Irene prevented the first ‘Sending’ and the ice storm almost prevented it a 2nd time. We also know that many of you could not make that service and we are truly sorry to have missed you. Please know that we think of you all often. We want to thank everyone who contributed to the gathering ‘feast’ afterwards. A special thank you to Sally who organized the narthex and all the goodies.

If you were at the service, you heard the kind words spoken about and to us. We were humbled. To look back at the work GOD guided us to do while in your care seems like a lifetime ago, but yet again only like yesterday.

The donation gift to Community Schools in our name was perfect! This school has been a mission of Holy Trinity’s ever since joining under Pastor Rickel’s reign, and Nancy has served on their Board of Directors for over 20 years. We also appreciate the cards we received with all your well-wishes.

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for making this donation, but most of all thank you for loving us and our children.

Delaware is about only two hours away, and while you will not see us weekly, we will attend church service when we can. Until then, wishing you all Health and Happiness

Your Brother and Sister in Christ,

Christopher and Nancy Duhm

Good to Know

Annual Reports
Please have your Annual Report information submitted to the church office no later than Friday, January 6th. If possible please e-mail the information to the office at or put on disk. Thank you.
Mark your calendar! The Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 29th after worship.

From the Financial Secretary
Please note that to be counted in 2011, all church offerings and contributions must be received by Sunday, December 25th. Thank you!

Like Us?
Then Like Holy Trinity’s Facebook page. You’ll get updates on the goings on at Holy Trinity; see pictures from events, read previous sermons, and more!

Save Money. Save Trees.
We would prefer to send the newsletter and ministry updates electronically. If you haven't shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so. Send an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to We can send this newsletter to anyone with Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later.

December Birthdays and Anniversaries
December Birthdays
1: Nancy Maguire 19: Louis D’Agnolo
3: Michael Catelli 22: Irene Geiselmann
5: Madison Bernhard 23: Richard Bacik
11: Bradford Wilson 26: Julie Franchino
14: Bernd Mayr 29: Evelyn Denkinger
15: Alex Rubens 31: Elizabeth Futyma

December Anniversaries 27: Chao-Ren & Agee Lin

Plants & Animals for Christmas
Beautify the Sanctuary with a Poinsettia Plant Each poinsettia plant costs $8.00 and is in a foil wrapped 6 ½” pot. To order a poinsettia, use the order form below and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office by Sunday, December 4, 2011 with your donation. Plants may be taken home after Christmas Eve Worship.

Animals that Make a Difference
This Christmas, give a gift that will change a life. Each gift of an animal listed below will be utilized by ELCA ministers to connect people with the resources they need to sustainably lift themselves from hunger and poverty. For every animal given, that animal will be added to the crèche on Christmas Eve. Gift cards are available in the narthex to tell loved ones you have given a gift in their honor. More info at Could we give a whole barnyard this Christmas?

Plants and Animals for Christmas Order Form (or call the office to place your order).
Name:______________________________ Phone:_________________
I wish to give the gift of:
_____ Poinsettia(s) at $8.00 each (order due TODAY. Dec 4th)
_____ Peep of chicks at $10each _____ Sheep at $125 each
_____ Duck(s) for $20 each _____ Fish Farm at $250 each
_____ Pig(s) at $30 each _____ Cow at $500 each
_____ Goat(s) at $50 each _____ Family Farm at $715 each

Total $:________ Paid via (circle one): check / cash Envelope#:_____

In Memory / Honor Of: _______________________________________