Thursday, July 28, 2011

From Pastor Kristin

It’s Good to Finally Be with You.
It’s hard to believe that it was almost two months ago that I joined you for a morning of worship, conversation, and a congregational meeting. It feels like just yesterday that we rejoiced as you called me to be your new pastor! But now, I am so glad to have actually arrived at Holy Trinity to begin serving as your pastor and entering into ministry with you.

Since many of you only met me for a short time that Sunday morning in June, I thought it might be helpful to share a bit more about myself with you as we begin our ministry adventures together. I come to you after serving for two years in downtown Jersey City in a diverse, urban congregation that is currently celebrating 150 years of ministry. I spent much of my time in Jersey City walking the streets, forming relationships, and lifting up congregational gifts to be public witnesses of the gospel. After having spent just one week in Nutley, I am already looking forward to walking down Franklin Avenue, meeting our neighbors, and discerning with you what ministry might look like here in this place.

As you may have guessed, I am not a native East Coaster, but am originally from the Midwest. I grew up in both Minnesota and Iowa, and if you listen closely you might still hear a Minnesota accent. I may even utter an occasional “Uff-Da,” if you’re lucky. I am a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers!), where, amongst other more serious things, I learned to dance the polka. Finally, my seminary education took place on the south-side of Chicago at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Though I spent much of my time in seminary in front of books and computers, it was also a time where I came to know and experience a God who is dynamic, creative, and in love with this world – including you and me!

I also come to you as someone who has served and lived in many different settings, not just with books and in classrooms. Prior to entering seminary, I served as Director of Youth Ministry at a large church in Madison, Wisconsin for about three years. And then during seminary, I spent one year on internship at the American Lutheran Congregation in Oslo, Norway. My heart still aches for the wonderful, stoic people of Oslo, as they recover from the atrocities that occurred there last weekend. Both of these experiences – serving in a diverse, foreign environment and working with sometimes strange and always interesting teenagers – have taught me the value and the challenge of honestly living out our faith even amidst the struggles and realities of daily life.

On a more personal note, I’m an avid knitter, gardener, and traveler. I also like to get out of doors, whether it’s in the city or out in nature, where I can explore new sights, sounds, and adventures. I play the viola and guitar, and have always wanted to learn to bang on the drums. I love all things chocolate, and will try just about any food you put in front of me (I will though politely decline to eat meat, since I am a vegetarian. But, I did eat fried termites on my recent trip to Ghana in West Africa!)

As I settle into life at Holy Trinity, I’m looking forward to meeting all of you and hearing your stories of faith and life. I know that our ministry together will be full of adventures, challenges, and growth as a lively community of faith united in God’s love. Please don’t hesitate to call (973-667-0256) or e-mail ( me or just stop by the office if you want to talk or grab a cup of coffee or tea. It’s so good to finally be with you here at Holy Trinity!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Kristin

On the Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.

Join us every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. (changed from Monday night for the summer) as we gather to open the scripture and join in conversation with God and each other.

Please join us as we ask: What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through His word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Don’t Take a Vacation From Church!

Summer is here and it’s vacation time – hopefully this doesn’t mean you will “take a vacation” from church - instead, why not invite someone to church? Most people come to a certain church as a result of an invitation from a friend. As you talk with friends, neighbors and co-workers, keep in mind your commission to be an ambassador of Jesus. God has called each of us – from the youngest to the oldest – to share the good news of Jesus, to overcome barriers and to connect one to many in love of God.

In Our Community

Talent Time to Present Seussical

Seussical, a musical based on the beloved stories of Dr. Seuss, will be presented at Bloomfield High School August 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, and 13 at 8 pm. Tickets will be available at the door, and will cost $15 for general admission, $12 for both K-12 students and senior citizens. The high school is at 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield and is air-conditioned! Sarah Jones is performing in the cast and Emily Jones is playing in the pit orchestra.

It’s the 62nd show for the Charles Seller Foundation. Each summer the members, who are ages 14 to 30, produce and perform a musical in which all the profits go to help a local person with a severe medical need. This year all proceeds will benefit Alyssa Andolino, who has mitochondrial disease, in which her mitochondria cannot produce the energy her body needs to function.

Please visit, or call (973) 953-5378 for more information.

Save The Date!
Jared Lin will be performing the Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor as soloist with the Bergen Philharmonic on Saturday, March 31, 2012. Bravo, Jared! We will share location and ticket details at a later date, but please put it in your calendars now! (Jared also just visited Stanford and plans to apply early decision to study Bio-Chemistry!)

Preview Concert
On Sunday, August 14 Jared plans to present a special preview piano concert after worship. The Lin family has graciously offered to provide a light luncheon during the lemonade time, and then Jared will present a short, 30-40 minute piano recital in the sanctuary at noon. Please plan to join us and invite friends!

Summer Lemonade

Please plan to linger a bit after worship to visit with friends both new and longstanding for our after-worship summer lemonade.

We started on Sunday, June 26 and will end on Sunday, September 4.

Here is our current schedule:
June 26: Diane & Paige Petschel
July 3: OPEN
July 10: Elaine Miller & Terry Scalcione
July 17: Greg & Ruth Sekula
July 24: Audrey Stevens
July 31: Marcia Hayes
August 7: Debbie & Scott Jones
August 14: Lin Family
August 21: Lin Family
August 28: Leona Candura, Grace Viola & Julie Franchino
September 4: Paige Petschel

When you sign up, please note that this includes setting up (make the lemonade that the church provides), provide cookies, brownies, fruit, etc., and help cleaning up. Thank you!

Narcotics Anonymous

We received a thank you note from N/A as follows:

"On behalf of the group, we would like to thank the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church for allowing us to stay here for so long. Many lives were saved here. We would also like to thank you for such a positive referral, it has helped us get into our new location."

Church World Services/Blankets + Program

We received a note from Church World Services thanking us for our contribution. With our support they can continue to serve community efforts to develop sustainable agriculture, reliable safe water supplies and other means to break the grip of grinding poverty.

Host Families Needed

AIFS Foundation is looking for host families to house international exchange students who must be placed by August 15th. If anyone is interested, we do have more information; please contact the church office

Altar Flowers

Please note that if you would like to honor or memorialize someone with altar flowers, we have the following dates available:

September 18 November 6 November 13
November 20 December 11

The cost is $30 per date. The sign-up sheet is outside of the church office; if you cannot make it to church but would like to sign up for a date, please give us a call and we can do it for you – then please mail your check to Holy Trinity with a notation of “Altar Flowers”.

Thank you to all that have already signed up.

August Birthdays, Anniversaries and Disciples

August Birthdays
3: Daniel Munoz
6: Aubrey D’Agnolo
10: Steve Oberndorf
16: Kay Ludwig
18: Ryan Cabral
21: Greg Sekula
23: Connor Murphy
24: James Greengrove
25: Chao Lin
27: Dot Duke
29: Martin Mueller
30: Jared Lin
31: Robert Catelli

August Anniversaries
18: Frank & Chris Siclari
22: Gail & George Ceravolo
23: Evelyn & Steve Oberndorf
24: Dave & Sharon Reed
26: Martin & Sally Mueller

August Disciples (please pray for these people on the date listed).
1:Judi Lovas
2:Rebecca Lovas
3:Kay Ludwig
4:Janette Lutz
5:Betty Mack
6:Tony Maguire
8:Nancy Maguire
9:Miriam Mascola
10:Gerald Mayr
11:Otto Mayr
12:Hedy Mary
13:Bernd Mayr
15:Carlos Medina
16:Grace Medina
17:Elaine Miller
18:Nicole Mozeliak
19:Lizzy Wiede
20:Holly Wiede
23:Martin Mueller
23:Sally Mueller
24:Max Mueller
25:Miles Mueller
26:Daniel Munoz
27:Brenda Munoz
29:Justin Munoz
30:Ethan Munoz
31:Bonnie Munoz