Thursday, September 30, 2010

On The Calendar

Open the Scripture. Join the Conversation.
We have moved our Bible Study back to Monday evenings at 7:30pm.

Please join us as we gather in conversation with God and each other.What is God doing in the the world? What is God doing in our lives? What is God saying to us as individuals, a community of faith, the world? What is the good news of God's kingdom? How is God sending us into the world? These are just some of the questions we ask as God engages us through God's word and the witness of the Holy Scripture.

Sunday School
Sunday School is in full swing. Families gather for worship at 10 a.m. and children and teachers move to the classroom after a children message and prayer. The whole assembly gathers again to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. If you would like to volunteer to be a teacher or helper, please call the church office.

Game Night at Holy Trinity
Join us for another fun night of games on Saturday, October 16th at 7:30p.m. Bring a favorite board game, a deck of cards, or just yourself! You may also bring refreshments to share.

Remember to “fall back” on November 7th!
Please note that daylight savings time ends on November 7, 2010 – make sure to set your clocks back one hour.

Ministry Site Profile

This commentary is one portion of the Ministry Site Profile, the first step in the Call Process.

It only takes a spark to get a fire going.
These classic lines from Kurt Kaiser are a metaphor of sprit and community for generations of Christians. In our faith and spirituality, even a spark brings hope and promise as the glow, the spiritual pilot light that lives within each of us in the midst of a sinful life, awaits our personal invitation from the Holy Spirit to direct us to blow on that ember, to start the fire and pass it on.

This metaphor can also be used to describe our faith journey and nature of our ministry site as Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. We know we have that spark within us, but our fire is not burning in the bright way we want and need it to. Our elder generations have lovingly tended the fire for many years; their wood has now burned into deep coals, still there but gradually dimming. We as church body, especially a younger generation, now need to not just stir up the coals, but bring new fuel to the fire. Of course, it is the power of the Holy Spirit within us that reminds us of the promise of God’s love, redemption, and forgiveness through God’s Son Jesus Christ. We know this, but we need that spark lit, since it truly does only take a spark to get a fire going.

So how do we ignite the spark? One way may be through our gift of music. Holy Trinity is known for our tradition of choral excellence in a congregation with a strong emphasis on worship and music. The pastor and musician have historically formed a worship planning team/partnership, the result being integrated worship in which the preaching and music support the Word. The choir sees its primary goal as that of liturgical leadership and support.

With this emphasis, talented individuals, and a long-term (24 years) Minister of Music, it may be possible to light a spark into the music program, both inviting in and extending out into the communities around us. Genuine spirituality, like art, is open and dynamic; both are the hope of a world so badly in need of transformation. Music and art could be a distinguishing feature of our spirituality, our witness to the world, and an identity for who we are a church community.

Another way to light the spark may be with a physical transformation of our narthex. Early in 2010 a team was convened to discuss our worship life. One of the outcomes of this is that we wish to upgrade our narthex to be more welcoming to visitors and functional for the congregation.

One of the key assets of our church family at Holy Trinity is our endowment funds, both materially and symbolically. Lovingly given and loyally stewarded by our earlier generations, these monies are the lifeline of our financial ability to provide for our practical means of salary and expense. However, this can also give us a sense of complacency and cause us to be adverse to risk. Our challenge is to understand how we can use and share these resources not just for our survival, but towards building our church and to answer God’s call for Holy Trinity’s ministry.

It only takes a spark to light a fire. While there are challenges in this small congregation, there is also a desire to see the new fire. We eagerly await our new pastor so that we can work together to reignite the fire that burns brightly in this congregation.

In Our Community

St. Timothy Musicales, October 6, 13, 20 at 1:00pm.
St. Timothy Lutheran Church
395 Valley Road, Wayne


10/6 – The Alex Chilowicz Quartet
“The Great American Songbook”

10/13-The Schwandt Family Chamber Ensemble
Sacred and Classical Music

10/20-Christine Opalka, Mezzo-Soprano
Broadway, Gershwin, Gospel and the Audience Sing-Along

For more information call St. Timothy’s at (973) 694-8316.

Church Groups Ticket Offer
New Jersey Devils at the Prudential Center – Newark, N.J.

New Jersey Devils vs. Boston Bruins
Saturday, October 16, 2010 – 7:00PM.
Special Ticket Price of $38.00 ($59.00 Value).

Please let our office know if you would like to be the Group Leader for this event and we will provide you with all of the pertinent information. All orders must be received by 10/14/10.

Let’s Take a Walk!
The 2010 CROP Walk is SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th AT 2PM. and will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair.

We will join neighbors from different faiths, cultures, and ages, walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Some 2,000 communities across the country take part each year. CROP = Communities – Responding to – Overcome-Poverty!

The WALK will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, and is the usual 3 miles.

This year we are joining together in interfaith community CROP Hunger Walks around the theme “we walk because they walk.” T-shirts and baseball-style caps will be available at a cost of $10.00 for adults.

WALKS help fight hunger and poverty around the world. The total raised for the 2009 Essex Walk in Montclair was over $16,000 (the $20,000 goal was not reached, but the weather did not cooperate) with $4,160.50 being returned for our 11 local food pantries in Montclair, Bloomfield, Kearny and Nutley.

WALK envelopes, poster, flyers, t-shirts, etc. will be available for distribution. Call (973) 744-6043 with any questions.

Last month’s Newsletter gave the incorrect college for Brian Johnson. Brian is attending Rutgers University.

Thank you.
To all who sent cards, best wishes and prayers while I was recuperating. It meant more than you can know to have the support of friends during my stay at home.

And an extra-special thank you to all the VBS teachers who assumed the responsibility for doing crafts with the children during my unexpected absence. You all are among this congregation’s truest and best blessings! ~Debbie Jones

Food Drive
Please remember our food drive. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the Narthex. Thank you!

Can You Help Us Go Paperless?
Postal rates are scheduled to rise again in January 2011. Please help us to distribute more and more of our information electronically. Many of you have already given us your email information – for those of you that haven't already shared your e-mail address with the church office, please consider doing so by sending an e-mail with ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST in the subject line to

Can We Send This Newsletter to You Electronically?
We can send this email to anyone with a Microsoft Wordtm version 1993 or later. For those that would like to give an email address, but would still like a hard copy of the Newsletter, this is no problem – just state this in the email to us.

Holy Trinity is now on Facebook. You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

Magazine Swap
We here at Holy Trinity have started a magazine swap. Please bring in any magazines that you are done reading and swap them for something else; chances are you will have some material that another individual would be interested in. Maybe when visiting the sick or elderly you can bring along some reading material you think they might enjoy.

We will leave a drop-off box in the Narthex – please remember to REMOVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS label first. Please, NO NEWSPAPERS. Think about all the trees and money you might save, and the joy you might bring to someone that might not be able to afford a subscription!


Coffee with a Lutheran Flavor

Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange are proud to announce a new coffee line from the LWR Coffee Project.

Through the LWR Coffee Project, a partnership between Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange, Lutherans can enjoy delicious fairly traded products while supporting small-scale farmers across the world. Farmers earn a fair price for their crops, have access to affordable credit, and can invest in education, health care and sustainable agriculture, building a better future for their families.

In addition, for all fairly traded coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, and snacks purchased through the LWR Coffee Project, Equal Exchange gives $.20 per pound back to Lutheran World Relief for projects supporting small-scale coffee farmers.
Lutheran World Relief works with partners in 35 countries to help people grow food, improve health, strengthen communities, end conflict, build livelihoods and recover from disasters.

Equal Exchange is a democratically organized worker-owned co-operative dedicated to building a new model of trade based on fairness, environmental sustainability and strong relationships between farmers and consumers.

They also have tea, cocoa and snacks.

For more information or to place an order, please visit or 744-776-7340.

From Congregation to Congressman
Advocating for Those Who Are Hungry

For members of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation in West Long Branch, N.J., responding to hunger in their neighborhood is part of their weekly activities. So, too, is partnering with ELCA World Hunger to help around the world. Moved by the stories of families and children who regularly come to the church for food assistance, six members of the congregation met with State Representative Frank Pallone (pictured right) last spring. Church members discussed their food pantry ministry and urged the congressman to weigh in on hunger issues at the state House of Representatives and with his colleagues.

One of the six members from the congregation, Mary Appleton, said, “It was really inspiring to go with that group of people and talk to [the congressman].” As a result of the meeting, Pallone participated in a press event at the state House of Representatives in May, which attracted great media attention toward childhood hunger.

Gifts to ELCA World Hunger have helped to support organizations that create such events, providing a way that the voice of those who are hungry and the church that stands with them can be heard. In this case the coordination was through the New Jersey Anti-Hunger Coalition (NJAHC), an organization that receives a grant from ELCA World Hunger.

Bruce Davidson, director of the Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry in New Jersey, talked about the way in which the voluntary service of the church brings credibility and integrity to the discussion with elected officials. “They really appreciate the fact that we help to raise awareness for better nutrition programs for children. We help them understand that these programs are an effective way to end childhood hunger if they are funded and administered well.”

In addition to helping with direct feeding, long-term development and education, a portion of your gifts to ELCA World Hunger provides grants that help the church and its partners speak up about what they are seeing when it comes to hunger and encourage positive action by government. Through advocacy, ELCA members work to overcome the effects and root causes of hunger. In many ways, the resources of government guided by the voices of those who work to address hunger can make amazing changes in the lives of communities.

“People respond to what they see in their own communities, and it’s easy to get our congregations to support hunger issues,” said Davidson. Regarding the efforts of Appleton and the other Reformation Lutheran members, he said, “It was a congregation-wide advocacy effort.” In addition to those who visited the congressman and those who prepared messages on lunch bags, many different groups in the congregation got involved by praying. “This is faith-based advocacy at its best.”

Holy Trinity Vice Pastor and Supply Pastors

Vice Pastor
Please be assured that during our time without a permanent pastor, we at Holy Trinity have a Vice Pastor for our pastoral care. Will Moser of the First Lutheran Church in Montclair will serve as our Vice Pastor.

Pastor Will Moser of First Lutheran Church, Montclair
153 Park Street
Montclair, N.J. 07042-3901
(973) 744-6043
Cathy Oswald, Manager, Tuesday – Friday, 2 – 7pm

Per Pastor Moser, please follow the criteria below for when his services are needed (they are numbered in order of his preference):

1)Please call the church at (973) 744-6043 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).
2)Please call Pastor Moser at home, (973) 778-1497 (you may call him directly or have Scott or Tina contact him).

Vice Pastor care includes: visiting shut-ins, visiting the sick and those in the hospital, death, council meetings and confirmation.

Supply Pastors
Supply pastors for our Sunday Service will be given to Holy Trinity via the Synod Office.

Please note that Scott and Tina will be checking voice mails from home, even during non-office hours, 7 days a week. Please make sure to LEAVE A VOICE MAIL MESSAGE at the office so we can be sure to keep updated.

October Birthday, Anniversaries and Disciples

1: Agee Lin
12: Tony Maguire
14: Evelyn Cordes
16: Angela Murphy
17: Ruth Sekula
18: Joseph Cicci
22: Martin Futyma
23: Jennifer Riccio
26: Lynn Johnson
29: Matthew Duhm
30: Kevin Johnson, Monica Rubens

3: Brenda & Dan Munoz
16: Nancy & Tony Maguire

Each day of the week (except Sunday) has the name of a person in this community. Please, remember that person in your prayers that day. On Sunday, we will pray for all of the people listed in the coming week.
1:Nancy Duhm
2:Nicole Duhm
4:Matthew Duhm
5:Ken Duke
6:Dot Duke
7:Richard Ebeling
8:Barbara Ebeling
9:Stacie Ebeling
11:Elizabeth Ebeling
12:Chelsea Ebeling
13:Jean Esparolini
14:Chris Esparolini
15:Irene Falk
16:John Fenton
18:Elfrieda Fenton
19:Julie Franchino
20:Peter Franchino
21:John Franchino
22:Martim Futyma
23:Betty Futyma
25:Susan Gage
26:Tom Gallo
27:Heather Gallo
28:Nicholas Gallo
29:Erica Geiselmann
30:Ken Geiselmann