Thursday, October 29, 2009

On the Calendar

85 Years in Mission – Share your story.
On November 1st, we celebrated our 85th year in God’s mission here in Nutley with a festive worship service and a famous Holy Trinity potluck dinner after worship. Keep the celebration going by sharing your favorite story about the people of Holy Trinity and the way in which God has used them to love, save and bless your life. Send or e-mail ( your stories -- written or recorded --to the church office.

Saturday, November 14th – Church Work Day
Come out on Saturday, November 14, and lend a hand in cleaning up and doing some repairs around the church building. There are all types of jobs both big and small, and you can help out for the whole day or just for part of it. Work starts at 9 a.m.

November 22nd – Set up for Advent
After worship on November 22nd, we will get together to decorate the building for Advent. After the work is done, we will sit down to a light lunch and some fellowship. This is a great chance for families to work side-by-side and to start their preparations for the Christmas season. There will be Advent gifts for everyone and a special gift for children. Here is another chance to invite a friend or relative into the life we share in Christ.

November 23rd – Nutley Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Worship with thanksgiving together with people of all faiths at 7:30 p.m. at Vincent Methodist Church. In this service, we thank God for all the blessings we enjoy as a community, and to remember in prayer those who are in need. The offering supports the Red Cross Food Pantry. Additionally, you are encouraged to bring a gift of non-perishable foods for the pantry.

November 29th – First Sunday in Advent
Jesus announced the good news like this: “The kingdom of God has come near; turn around; change your mind; believe it.” What an extraordinary thing for Jesus to say (see Mark 1:15). What an extraordinary thing for us to announce as well.

As we start our advent journey, hear that good news message again not just as good news of great joy for a fearful and weary world, but hear it for what it is, Jesus calling each of us into discipleship and mission. Hear again Jesus’ invitation to turn from our “worldly preoccupations” and to “open our hearts.”

It’s time for us to step up, get to work, prepare, watch, wait, turn, open. It’s time for us to change. The kingdom of God has come near. Here, gathered by the crucified and risen baby of Bethlehem, we experience “hope amid crisis, light in deep darkness, a growing sense of expectation, a growing trust in the promises of God.” Not ours to keep; ours to give.

‘Family’ volunteers to light advent wreath … and more?

We’re looking for four “families” (Don’t just think Mom, Dad and the kids … get creative and maybe make some phone calls to invite and gather a whole clan … what about sponsors and godchildren) to lead various parts of our Sunday liturgy, particularly the prayer and the lighting of the Advent wreath each week. Fill out the form below, and return it to the office (mail, e-mail, fax, put it in the offering plate on Sunday.)
We (names) ___________________________________________________

___ would like to lead the prayer and light the advent wreath.

___ would be interested in leading other parts of the Sunday service.

__ Prayers of the church __ Serving communion __ Benediction

We are available to serve on the following Sundays (check all you can attend)

__ Nov. 29 __ Dec. 6 __ Dec. 13 __ Dec. 20

Notes, Comments _________________________________________

Pastor's Message

You shall eat plenty and be satisfied,
and praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has dealt wondrously with you. …
You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel,
and that I, the LORD, am your God and there is none else.
Joel 2:26-27

Near the end of this month we will, as is our custom, take time to observe a national day of thanksgiving. A crowded table of culinary delights – meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, pies, sweets and a rich variety of beverages – has become the central symbol of the day, and a house filled to overflowing with family, friends and loved ones has become the ideal setting for the feast. At the end of the day, we can take satisfaction in having gathered and enjoyed the best and most basic things of life in abundance: food, family, and shelter.

The ancient prophet Joel encouraged his people to look forward to a day of plenty and abundance as a sign and promise of God’s presence and a testimony to God’s goodness, mercy, and reconciling love at work in the creation and in the lives of God’s people. When the soil and vine and livestock produce in abundance, and God’s people eat, drink and enjoy the fruits of God’s creative providence so as to forget times of scarcity and want, the prophet envisions also a time when the people will praise the name of the LORD their God and know that LORD is their God and there is none else.

I wonder what emotions will be in our hearts, what thoughts will be on our minds and what words will be on our lips as we gather to “give thanks” this year? I wonder if any of us has looked around at a house, family and feast and thought, “Surely God is in the midst of God’s people, and the LORD is our God and there is none else?”

There will be a moment on that day, maybe a brief moment but a time nonetheless, when we have the opportunity to praise and thank the God “who has dealt wondrously with us.” I encourage you to seize and savor that moment in prayer, silent or spoken. I encourage you to seize that moment to give testimony and witness to God’s life-giving presence and gracious providence in your life. I encourage you to take the words and witness of the prophet to heart and realize that it is not our money, our technology, our intelligence, our family character, our nation or our wonderfully designed house that are worthy of our thanks and praise, but it is the LORD who is our God, who deserves our thanks and praise.

Of course, you don’t have to wait until the end of the month to come to the table, to fellowship with family or to offer God your thanks and praise. Each Sunday morning at Holy Trinity, we take time for a thanksgiving feast, the eucharist or Lord’s Supper. Bring your friends and your whole family and let’s fill our house each week to give thanks and praise to the Lord our God who has dealt graciously with us in Jesus Christ. In Word and in Sacrament we come to know that God is in the midst of God’s people, that God is God and there is no other.

In Our Community

Thursday Night Advent Dinners
Advent is one of two times in the church year, when God’s people are encouraged to take extra time to gather as God’s people in prayer, meditation, fellowship around God’s Word. Join us on
December 3, 10 and 17 starting at 6:15 p.m. for soup supper and an evening Advent prayer, devotion and Bible reading. Bring a friend.

In Memory…
Edith Schulz (nee Muller), 85, of Nutley, died Sunday,
October 25, 2009 at her home with her loving daughters by her side. Born in Treudorf, Poland on February 16, 1924, she and her late husband Miron Schulz emigrated to Lippstadt, Germany and then to the United States. She lived in Nutley for 30 years. She was an assembler at Torelco in Irvington before retiring. Mrs. Schulz was a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Nutley and had been a singer with the Schwaebischer Saengerbund. Beloved wife, mother, and Omi, she is survived by her daughters, Ellen, Doris, & Carmen; her son-in-law Mark Reilly; her brother, Ernst Muller; her grandchildren, Brant, Katie & Kristy Reilly and many loving relatives and friends.

In lieu of flowers, contributions to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund will be appreciated.

For anyone interested in visiting or writing, the current address for Victor Smith is as follows: N.J. Veterans Memorial Home, Room M124D, One Veterans Drive, Paramus, N.J. 07652. Visiting hours are 8am – 8pm.

Eric Oberndorf has a new address (he is moving to another base) – the only difference is the zip code. Please address as follows:
Oberndorf, Eric
D Co 1-504th PIR
APO AE 09808

Holy Trinity will be accepting donations on behalf of our soldiers. To follow is a list of items needed for Soldier Care Packages. Please bring in your donation(s) to Holy Trinity by Sunday, November 29th and we will arrange to have the items shipped. These are items the soldiers want, but cannot purchase:


Food, snacks, drinks: energy drinks, drink packets (for water bottles), or anything that can keep well without refrigeration. This includes Lunchables, tuna salad kits, beef jerky, canned pasta, ramen noodles, summer sausage, trail mixes, gum, pop tarts, Tobasco sauce, coffee, sugar cubes, and non-dairy creamer are always in short supply. Mailing: envelopes and postage stamps are a great way to help your soldier keep in touch. Electronics: Most base camps now have electricity, and so many soldiers have portable DVD players, CD/MP3 players (iPods), Game Boys, and the like. So send new DVDs, CDs, games, etc. that a soldier may like, to help break the monotony. AA batteries also help a lot for these small personal devices. Magazines are always good; send general magazines that people their age enjoy. Toiletries: hand sanitizer, baby wipes, Chapstik, sun block, foot/body powder, boot insoles, disposable tooth brushes and Ziploc bags. Thank you.


Holy Trinity is now on Facebook. You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

Check out the new Community section of our Website as well. You can read blogs, news from ELCA, preview this week’s worship service and so much more. Log on today.

Christmas Services

December 24th:
4:00pm. Simple spoken Eucharist with carols.
7:30pm: Candlelight services with festive music.

December 25th:
10:00am: Christmas Day Worship.

Now’s the time to invite a friend. Go ahead, share the good news, overcome the barriers and make the connection. To assist at these services, please sign up at worship or call the church office.


Stewardship Strengthens...

Stewardship strengthens our relationship with Jesus

Thank You for Your Pledge

Thank you to all who have pledged to share your gifts and assets to carry out the mission and ministry that God is calling this congregation to do. And, thank you to all of you who have committed yourselves to deepening your relationship with Jesus through daily prayer, Bible reading, weekly worship, generosity, service and friendship. Please, continue to pray for God’s wisdom and understanding as we seek God-pleasing ways to spend our time, our talents and our money, and remember the work of our congregation in your prayers.

If you have yet to send in your pledge card or your covenant card, you can still send both to the office. We need all God’s people acting together in faith, hope and love to live out the fullness of the ministry that God is calling us to. Thank you again.

Live Simply and Share the Wealth

Do you or someone you love have a car, appliances, furniture or other stuff they are looking to get rid of or donate? There are people in the community who may be praying for just that thing you are looking to give. Call the church office and let us know what you have.

Remember the Hungry

During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the narthex.

We were notified of the following by the Red Cross:
FOODS NEEDED: Soups, Stews, Beans, Broths, Peanut Butter
THEY HAVE A SURPLUS OF: Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Rice, Tuna

Seafarers & International House

SEAFARERS & INTERNATIONAL HOUSE is a Lutheran Mission for seafarers and sojourners that started out in 1873 as an Augustana Lutheran mission from Sweden that strives to nurture the human spirit and to foster human dignity.

Christmas-at-Sea – there is some irony in that. The Christmas gifts we will share with family and friends in the warmth of our homes will most likely have arrived from overseas, aboard merchant ships whose seafarers will spend Christmas in the middle of some ocean, far away from their own family and friends. All of us ashore have the opportunity to return the favor to these seafarers and Holy Trinity would like to help. We will be accepting donations here at the church on their behalf. There will be one satchel for each seafarer (please keep in mind that most of them are men) and each satchel will contain:

One Sweatshirt – hooded or unhooded (size L-XL)
One pair of socks – thermal or white gym
One casual pullover T-shirt (size M-L)
One winter cap
One can of nuts or bar of chocolate
A Christmas Card from you.

Note: please do not wrap your items, we will be provided the special satchels for placement.

Please bring your donation(s) to Holy Trinity no later than Sunday, November 29th. Thank you.

To learn more, please go to

November Birthdays, Anniversaries & Disciples

November Birthdays

4: Erika Bacik
8: Sara Murphy
10: Jennifer Murphy
11: Chris Amlung
12: John Fenton
13: Irene Falk
14: Barbara Hudnett
15: Victor Smith
18: Cathy Geiselmann
21: Erik Hess
25: Frank Siclari
27: Judi Lovas
28: Joelle Bernhard,
28: Stefeny Krombholz
29: Bonnie Munoz
29: Grace Viola
28: Aida Rubens
30: Nancy Duhm, Nicole Duhm, William Murphy

November Anniversaries

1: Ken & Irene Geiselmann
2: Richard & Susan Ulley
24: Louis & Terry D'Agnolo
24: Jim & Stefeny Krombholz

November Disciples

2: Chao-Lin
3: Agee Lin
4: Joyce Lin
5: Jeff Lin
6: Jared Lin
7: Edith Lodge
9: John Lovas
10: Judi Lovas
11: Rebecca Lovas
12: Kay Ludwig
13: Janette Lutz
14: Betty Mack
16: Tony Maguire
17: Nancy Maguire
18: Miriam Mascola
19: Gerald Mayr
20: Otto Mayr
21: Hedy Mayr
23: Bernd Mayrs
24: Carlos Medina
25: Grace Medina
26: Elaine Miller
27: Lois Milner
28: Nicole Mozeliak
30: Lizzy Wiede