Thursday, August 27, 2009

On the Calendar

Book Study/Supper
Thursday night dinner and study

Our Thursday night dinner and Bible study continues this fall. Join us at 6:15 p.m. for dinner and at 7 p.m. for Bible study. Here is an opportunity to share God's love and some good food with people who are feeling the pinch of the economic downturn. Simple meals, but inspiring fellowship. Make and share your favorite recipes. Make some new friends. Experience the life-changing power of God's word for our life. Make it a date with friends.

Monday night Bible and Prayer
Join a small-group of God's people for a time of prayer, sharing and a slow, meditative reading of The Bible Monday evenings starting at 7:30 p.m. For the first few weeks, we will be reading, discussing and putting into practice methods from Eugene Peterson's book on the art of spiritual reading Eat This Book.

Sunday School Teachers and Parents
It's time to begin another year of Sunday School. If you are interested in planning, helping or teaching this year, please come to a planning meeting after worship on Sept. 6. If you cannot make that meeting, but want to help out, please talk to Gail Ceravolo or Pastor Jim. Sunday School starts with our Back-to-School celebration Sept. 20.
Choir Rehearsals will begin again on Thursday, September 10, at 8pm and the choir will sing on Sunday, September 13th. If you would like to join the choir or would like more information, please call, email or speak to Scott Jones.

Back-to-School; Back-to-Church; Back-to-the-Bible
Sunday school starts September 20 with our annual back-to-school celebration. This year, our celebration begins with a special worship with Holy Communion at 10 a.m., followed by games and crafts for children and a special Bible program for adults: Rediscovering the Book of Faith. Finally, we will all gather for a great lunch and more games and crafts. It's a great way to start your school year, and a great time to invite your friends and neighbors to join the Holy Trinity family.

If you are interested in planning, organizing and/or helping make this day a success, please come to our planning meetings after worship on Aug. 30 and Sept. 13.

Rediscovering the Book of Faith – September 20 – October 4 after worship
Where did the Bible come from? The Christian Scripture contains sixty-six separate books, two testaments, and seven distinct types of literature. Yet, Christians the world over hold it as a single, bound volume we call “The Bible.”
This three-session study held on Sunday after worship explores how the Bible came to be our Book of Faith and what it means for our lives today. Together we will learn how, why and where the Old Testament and New Testament were created and explore how the Bible was put together, and examine the impact of the Reformation on our access to and understanding of scripture. Invite your friends and family to attend with you.

Here are the topics we will explore and discuss each week:

1. Rediscovering the Family Album of God’s People
2. Rediscovering the Good News of Jesus
3. Rediscovering God’s Gift of Grace

Please return to church office or e-mail your request to

____ Yes, I am excited to Rediscover the Book of Faith, and

____ I/We plan to attend Sunday after worship. (9/20 – 10/4) Please order ____ copies of the study guide for me.

____ I/We cannot attend the Sunday sessions, but would like to follow
along at home. Please order ____ copies of the study guide for me.

____ I want like to invite a friend to attend with me, and I would like the church to help me.

Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________

Pastor's Message

What I am trying to do in my life is change the way I mark time, and I invite you to join me.

"Very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. ... As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white robe, ... "You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised." Mark 16

When I look at most calendars the box at the far left, the first box of the row that makes up any particular week, corresponds to Sunday. Sunday is the first day of the week. Yet in my life and in my speech, sunset on Sunday marks the sad -- and sometimes anxious -- end to the weekend. Sunday is the last day of the week.

Since the world we know spins on an axis of work and school, most of us mark time with a five-day week that begins on Monday, makes a turn on Friday, and ends on Sunday. Sunday is the last day of the week, regardless of what box comes first on the calendar on the wall. In fact, in the calendars most of us keep on our desk, Monday is the first day of the week. Monday takes priority. Sunday comes last.

For years, I have understood that the one of the biggest obstacles to people joining the assembly of God's people for worship on the first day of the week [read: going to church on Sunday], is the time of day and the day of week when we worship. For all practical purposes, Christ's people are worshipping on the morning of the last day of the week and the last day of the weekend. When the alarm goes off on Sunday morning and the church bells start to ring, these summons ring right in the middle of "our time." Add to this, the church's wise and consistent teaching on the sabbath -- the day God rested from all God's work and commanded God's people to do the same from all their work -- and the fact that we really do need a "day of rest" at the end of the week and seems to tough to make the case for Sunday morning worship.

If we remember our catechism, however, we remember that Martin Luther explained that Christians keep the sabbath by attending to God's word and the sacraments, by resting in God's grace, mercy and love. This is most certainly true, but I have met few people, especially parents, who see or experience Sunday morning worship as rest. It's a lot of work, honestly. I know. And that's okay. I am fine with that.

What I am trying to do in my life is change the way I mark time, and I invite you to join me. I want my mind and heart to reset itself to the rhythms of a six-day work week that begins on Sunday in worship, praise and thanksgiving, tending to God's word and being fed and strengthened at Christ's table. From there, I move into the rest of my work week, slowly at first, but I will go in peace to do what God has called and gifted me to do: to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ in the home, in the classroom and on the job. Then as the sun sets on Friday, I want to slow down and begin to rest, again in praise and thanksgiving to the God who gave me life, meaningful work and a command to rest.

Sounds simple enough, but its a challenge because I am not asking that we simply write worship into our weekly schedule, I am asking that God's word and weekly worship transform our schedules, our priorities, ... and our lives.

Thank You!

Our Discovery Canyon Vacation Bible School was a great success! We met many new friends and had as many as 21 children in attendance, along with several adults. Thank you to EVERYONE who helped in any way to make it possible—through donations, decorating, prep work for arts and crafts, teaching or helping as part of our team. Through Bible lessons, music, movement, art and crafts we learned to REJOICE, PRAY, ASK, TELL AND SEEK. Our mission project this year was The Lutheran Navajo Mission in Rock Point, Arizona.

Thanks to our staff:
Co-directors: Scott Jones & Kara Suttora
Worship Leader/Adult Study: Pastor Jim
Office/registration: Tina Patti
Pre-K: Emily Jones, Chris Siclari, Sarah Jones with teen helpers Angela Murphy and Lauren Kyle.
Pre-K Classparents: Chris Caporaso, Stefeny Stofa Krombholz and Stephanie Yero
K-Grade 1: Ruth Hsu and Cathy Geiselmann
Grades 2-6: Nancy Duhm
Crafts: Debbie Jones
Science and Movement: Gail Ceravolo
Music: Scott Jones
Snack: Diane Petschel

Thanks to everyone who helped to decorate or prepare crafts and to those who made contributions toward VBS. In addition to those already listed above, special thanks to Greg Sekula, Al Weber, Dave VanHouten, George Ceravolo, Nancy Guenther, Julie Franchino Janet Stofa, Leona Candura, Jayne Osborne, Elaine Miller and
Terry Scalcione. Sorry if we missed anyone.

Thanks to all of you who participated in and acted as host for this years’ summer Lemonade!

Keep it Simple

How have you simplified your life and reset your priorities over the past year? Share your insights with the people of Holy Trinity. Send me an e-mail at or leave a post on the Holy Trinity Facebook discussion.


Holy Trinity is now on Facebook. You can become a fan of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and stay up-to-date with what's going on in the congregation and among our members. As a fan you can also post your news, your questions, thoughts and experiences of God's love in action to share with others. It’s just another way to share the good news, overcome barriers and connect one to many in Christ. You can access our page directly from our website, at

In Our Community

Congratulations to Ricky Hudnett, who on June 20, 2009 graduated from Nova S.W. University in Florida, with his M.B.A. He is also working at the University as the Assistant Director of the Master’s Program.

Ricky also recently became engaged on May 23, 2009 to Alicia Cook – a fall 2010 wedding is planned! Ricky is the son of Richard and Barbara Hudnett.

Congratulations on the birth of
Connor Logan Murphy, born on June 23, 2009. He joins siblings Angela, Erika, Alex, Olivia, Sara, and William. Mom and Dad are Damian and Sharon Murphy.

Eric Oberndorf will be deploying to Iraq shortly. Anyone who wishes to send him mail can do so in the following way(s). We’ve been notified by his father, Steve, to wait until the end of September to send anything. This APO address is good through the end of the year. Letters and cards sent to the APO address only need normal First Class postage stamps and can be mailed from any mailbox:
SSG Oberndorf, Eric
D CO 1-504th PIR ,
APO AE 09381

However, packages must be mailed from the post office and a customs form has to be completed. Packages also must have a specific return address (not the sender's) to comply with Army regulations. That address is Eric's permanent duty station and it is:
D CO 1/504 PIR
Fort Bragg, NC 28310

ALCM Conference
In July, I attended a regional convention of The American Guild of Organists in Boston. An AGO convention is all about amazing concerts in amazing spaces. We heard many large pipe organs in historic churches, including a brass and organ concert at Trinity Church and a recital at the Christian Science Mother Church, which looks like something that belongs in the Emerald City! There were some interesting talks and workshops, including one on the music of Mendelssohn--a Jew whose family converted to the Lutheran faith!
An Association of Lutheran Church Musicians conference is more of a spiritual time for me. Our national convention this year was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and we had a wonderful week! I always wish you could all experience the worship and the singing at these events. We had on average three worship services each day, along with concerts and
some great workshops. This year I found it to be mostly an affirmation of my work and relationship with Pastor Jim and you, the congregation. Thank you for supporting my professional memberships and attendance at these conferences. ~Scott Jones

Items Needed ~ Thank You!

If you or anyone you know has a used car (in working condition) they are looking to donate, please contact pastor or the church office, as we do know people who are in need.

The church is in need of two refrigerators. Anyone looking to donate a good quality, usable full size refrigerator for our kitchen, or a small or “dorm” –sized refrigerator for the church office, please call the office.

Food Drive
During these difficult times, organizations that provide food often run short of needed supplies. We will continue to collect food as part of our offering during worship. Bring your non-perishable food items to worship with you, and leave them in the designated area in the narthex.

We were notified of the following by the Red Cross:

Soups, Stews, Beans, Broths, Peanut Butter

Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Rice and Tuna

September Birthday, Anniversaries and Disciples

September Birthdays

3:Alexander Murphy
7:Leona Candura
9:Maura Cicci
10:Helen Blair
11:Angelika Achtiani
15:John Norton
20:Danny Murphy
24:Holly Wiede
26:Alicia Hudnett
27:Hedy Mayr
28:Susan Wilson
29:Janet Strachan

September Anniversaries

10:John & Evelyn Denkinger
11:John & Elfrieda Fenton
13:Ken & Dot Duke


1:Ken Duke
2:Dot Duke
3:Richard Ebeling
4:Barbara Ebeling
5:Stacie Ebeling
7:Chelsea Ebeling
8:Elizabeth Ebeling
9:Jean Esparolini
10:Chris Esparolini
11:Irene Falk
12:John Fenton
14:Elfrieda Fenton
15:Julie Franchino
16:Pete Franchino
17:John Franchino
18:Martin Futyma
19:Betty Futyma
21:Susan Gage
22:Tom Gallo
23:Heather Gallo
24:Nicholas Gallo
25:Cathy Geiselmann
26:Erica Geiselmann
28:Ken Geiselmann
29:Irene Geiselmann
30:Jim Greengrove

Altar Flowers

Please note that we still have two dates available for anyone who would like to sponsor our altar flowers. If you would like to honor or remember someone, please fill out the chart outside of the church office or give us a call at (
973) 667-0256. The cost is $30.00

The available dates are September 20 and October 4, 2009.

Let's Take a Walk

The 2009 CROP Walk (SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18th AT 2PM.) and will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair.

We will join neighbors from different faiths, cultures, and ages, walking together to take a stand against hunger in our world. Together we raise awareness and funds for international relief and development, as well as local hunger-fighting agencies. Some 2,000 communities across the country take part each year. CROP = Communities – Responding to – Overcome-Poverty!

The WALK will begin and end at First Congregational Church, 40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, and is the usual 3 miles.

This year we are joining together in interfaith community CROP Hunger Walks around the theme “we walk because they walk.” Many of the walkers will be wearing “we walk because they walk” t-shirts, proclaiming their solidarity with the millions of neighbors around the world who have to walk to live. T-shirts and baseball-style caps will be available at a cost of $10.00 for adults.

WALKS help fight hunger and poverty around the world including the U.S. Up to 25% of what a CROP Walk raises can assist food banks, pantries, community gardens, and other local hunger-fighting initiatives. The total raised for the 2008 Essex Walk in Montclair was over $22,000 (the $20,000 goal was reached again) with $5,500 being returned for our 11 local food pantries in Montclair, Bloomfield, Kearny and Nutley.

The one and only meeting for the 2009 WALK will be Tuesday, September 8th and 7:30pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 153 Park Street, Montclair. WALK envelopes, poster, flyers, t-shirts, etc. will be available for distribution.
Call (973) 744-6043 with any questions.

Volunteers Needed for the Fall Festival

If you would like to volunteer for helping at the Fall Festival on Sunday, September 20, 2009, please call the church office at (973) 667-0256. We need all kinds of help, starting with setup at 7am through cleanup starting at 2pm. Thanks.