Thursday, January 24, 2008

From the Pastor

We are often tempted to think and then to act as if the right combination of vision, marketing, passion and friendliness will bring God's kingdom to the corner of Hillside and Vreeland in Nutley on Sunday morning. Our hearts and minds are lured into believing that if we could just "do it right," (whatever it may be) then all that threatens us and our community will fade away. Yet, the story of God at work in this world, the story of the Bible, tells us that God's kingdom happens not by our working to make things happen, but by God's own desire to love and bless the world. God will make things happen. God is on a mission.

"... and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" Ephesians 6:18

We are often tempted to think and then to act as if the right combination of vision, marketing, passion and friendliness will bring God's kingdom to the corner of Hillside and Vreeland in Nutley on Sunday morning. Our hearts and minds are lured into believing that if we could just "do it right," (whatever it may be) then all that threatens us and our community will fade away. Yet, the story of God at work in this world, the story of the Bible, tells us that God's kingdom happens not by our working to make things happen, but by God's own desire to love and bless the world. God will make things happen. God is on a mission.

When we begin our Lenten journey together on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 6), we will be once again reminded how Jesus came to us -- a broken and sinful people living and working and dying within a broken and sinful world -- to walk with us, to give us life and freedom, and, because God loves us so deeply, to transform us and all of God's good creation. God is on a mission.

By the grace of God given in Jesus and poured out on us in our baptism into Christ, we have been changed, transformed, forgiven, redeemed, renewed and made part of God's mission. That baptismal gifting of new life leads us into a life that is rooted and grounded in prayer. We learn from Jesus to pray for God's mission in the world, as part of God's mission in the world. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to ask that our heavenly Father's kingdom come. When we pray these petitions, we pray that God's kingdom happen among us, too, because when God's kingdom happens among us, the kingdom of this world is toppled. God's people and God's creation are set free. We pray. God accomplishes. God is on a mission.

St. Paul reminds us that we do not struggle against flesh and blood. Our struggle (and it's our struggle because it is God's struggle) is against spiritual forces that hold people captive in fear, hopelessness, loneliness, meaninglessness and despair. As part of God's mission to transform the world in Jesus, we are strengthened for a spiritual struggle with spiritual gifts that come to us from the Holy Spirit -- gifts given through the Word, given through the Sacraments and given within the community of the saints. All this, as we hang together in the Holy Spirit, in prayer.

Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. That is a promise. To be a people in prayer is the beginning and the end of our Christian work as disciples because the beginning and the end of the Christian life is not our doing. It's God's doing, God's mission. In prayer we confess that we and the world are broken; in prayer, the Holy Spirit gives the words and imagination to hope for a future and to trust that God will make all things new ... even us ... even this congregation.
The Lord be with you. Let us pray ...
In Christ, Pastor Jim

Lent 2008: Prayer Empowers Discipleship

Ash Wednesday (Feb. 6) and the start of the season of Lent comes quickly this year. A lot of us are familiar with the practice of giving up something for the season. Have you ever thought about taking something up, starting something new, during the season of Lent?

Giving Up Something for Lent

Ash Wednesday (Feb. 6) and the start of the season of Lent comes quickly this year. A lot of us are familiar with the practice of giving up something for the season. It is a discipline that leads us to shake off some of the things that hinder us in our walk with Jesus. Through this practice, we can discover God graciously easing the weight of the burdens of life. From out of this sacrifice, then God grows us in a new way of living. In these weeks, prayerfully consider what God is calling you to let go of this year. What’s weighing you down? What’s getting between you and God? What’s keeping you from living the life God wants you to live? Give it up.

Starting Up Something for Lent

In addition to “giving up” something for Lent, we are encouraged to “take up” something to strengthen our relationship with Jesus, something to empower our discipleship. This is one of our goals as a community of disciples: We seek to empower disciples of Jesus Christ. This Lent, turn to God in prayer. Prayer empowers discipleship. Prayer draws us closer in our walk with God.

On Thursdays in Lent, (starting Feb. 14 … what better Valentine’s Gift than to be together in love of God?) we will get together to practice and reflect on the practice of prayer. In the evening, we will host a Soup and Study with our friends from Franklin Reformed Church. We will do the same study on Thursday afternoon for those who do not wish to go out at night. Guiding our discussion and giving us a means of practicing prayer will be the book Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God: The Practice of Centering Prayer, by J. David Muyskens. The book is available through ($10.40) or you can use the sign up sheet in this newsletter and we will order a copy for you.

Schedue for Lent

Come and follow Jesus into a closer, stronger relationship with God during this Lenten season. Follow the link for a schedule of special services.

Ash Wednesday worship
with imposition of ashes:
11:30 a.m. (with brown bag lunch) and 7:30 p.m.

Thursday Soup and Study (February 14 – March 13)
2:00 p.m.: Book Study: Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God
6:00 p.m.: Soup Supper
6:45 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.: Book Study - Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God
8:00 p.m. – Choir

New Member Classes

Are you interested in becoming a member of this community? Do you want to simply learn more about what this community of disciples is about and is called to do? Do you want to learn more about being a disciple of Jesus? Then join us for a new member class on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. starting Feb. 5.

Strengthening our Hearts and Minds

There are a number of opportunities to gather with other disciples in prayer around scripture in the coming weeks. Please take advantage of one or more of these opportunities to strengthen your relationship with Jesus. Call the Church Office at(973) 667-0256 to reserve your place. Bring your friends.

There are a number of opportunities to gather with other disciples in prayer around scripture in the coming weeks. Please take advantage of one or more of these opportunities to strengthen your relationship with Jesus. Call the Church Office at(973) 667-0256 to reserve your place. Bring your friends.

Sunday lunch study (Jan. 13 and on): Theology of the cross.

It is one of the most distinctive themes and contributions of Lutheran theology. The theology of the cross refers not just to the events of Good Friday. It also refers to a cross-centered approach to talking about God that stands in opposition to a “theology of glory” that is focused on the power and majesty of God apart from God’s action in history. We will meet Sundays after worship starting January 13.

Thursdays in Lent (Feb. 14 and on): Prayer Empowers Discipleship

A pattern for prayer and discipleship throughout Lent. Guiding our discussion and giving us a means of practicing prayer will be the book Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God: The Practice of Centering Prayer, by J. David Muyskens.

Tuesday Night @ 8 p.m.: Reading the Gospel of Matthew
We will get together to read the entire Gospel of Matthew and
then discuss each Sunday’s Gospel lesson.

Wish List

Are you looking for a special giving opportunity? Check out our wish list.

We’re looking for the following items. You can give either the item or cash to purchase the item.
• A computer for Pastor Jim’s office. (Please call Pastor first.)
• $200: A computer projection unit.
• $500: A Bible Study Resource Kit for congregation.
• $280: A New Congregational Record Book.
• Reserved Signs for church pews.
• New Stable for the Sanctuary Nativity (preferably handmade).


This Palm Sunday we will be ordering “Eco-Palms” direct from Lutheran World Relief. Lutheran World Relief is partnering with the University of Minnesota to build support in the U.S. for Eco-Palms by introducing Lutheran parishes to this social and environmental justice project. In addition to environmental and economic sustainability, Eco-Palms promote improvement for entire communities in Guatemala and Mexico. Eco-Palm cooperatives designate five cents from each palm they sell to improve the lives of all community members. Consider the good that can be accomplished through our Palm Sunday celebration.

Nutty Moms of Nutley

Nutty Moms of Nutley is a very relaxed Moms group for any mom in the Nutley area. Basically, if you are willing to walk or drive to our meetings, you are in the Nutley area!

Nutty Moms of Nutley is a very relaxed Moms group for any mom in the Nutley area. Basically, if you are willing to walk or drive to our meetings, you are in the Nutley area! The group was started when Jessie Rayot started searching for a Mom's group in Nutley for herself and her two month old twin girls, but she couldn't find one. What she found instead were a few other moms who were also searching. So, being of the entrepreneurial mind, Jessie decided to start her own group.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church was kind enough to give the group a home. Nutty Moms meets every other Wednesday morning from 10 am to noon. Moms can ask each other for advice, enjoy some adult friendships, and find a great place to let their little ones socialize. Sometimes on the off Wednesdays they will meet in other places, such as one of Nutley's beautiful parks, or maybe a local mall or department store to get some holiday shopping done.

There is no fee to join. Instead these lovely Nutty Moms have been happy to partner with the children of Holy Trinity, to give money to purchase farm animals to help families in third world countries start businesses. This is a project close to heart for Nutty Moms as many of them are Work At Home Moms.

For this reason, Nutty Moms will soon be having a monthly Mommy Spotlight. Each month on a weeknight or Saturday Nutty Moms of Nutley will have an open meeting in a larger room of Holy Trinity. One of the Work at Home Moms will host a party or workshop for her business. This means the congregation has an opportunity to purchase products or services from these moms, other moms can learn about home business opportunities available to them, and the mom in the
spotlight gets a wonderful opportunity to share her products or services. Everyone wins!

Nutty Moms of Nutley would love to grow; if you or someone you know would like to participate, please do! Email Jessie at to find out when the next meeting is and to be put on the email list.

Is it a Church Snow Day?

Is it a Church Snow Day?
We try never to have to cancel worship, but in case of inclement weather, please check our website or the phone message at the office. Should we need to cancel, it will be noted by 8am.

With Generous Hearts

World Hunger gifts for November and December, 2007 totaled $550.00!
Christmas Card Collection for the Global Barnyard totaled $142.00 which allowed us to contribute 2 pigs and 2 turkeys!
Our Sunday School sent in funds for a second goat!
The Wednesday Moms’ Group donated $40.00!

And our total giving for 2007 was more than $1,000 above what we had projected.

Thank you for your generosity and your partnership in God's mission through the ministry of the people of this congregation. We are blessed to be a blessing.

New Morning Bible Study

We are planning to start an early-morning, before-work Bible study in the new year. We are talking about meeting from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. at a local diner or coffee shop. If you are interested in taking part in this study, please call Martin Mueller at (973) 667-1049 or Pastor Jim at the church office.

Souper Bowl - We are on a Mission to Fight Hunger!

Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Start saving your change and (bills now!), and then bring it to church with you on Sunday, February 3, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community.

More than 15 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, a single youth group was inspired by a simple prayer. They started the Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led movement that is now an international event.
Since 1990, the Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $33 million for individual charities across the country. It is also turning our nation’s biggest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving.
Each year, tens of thousands of our nation’s youth, including ours at Holy Trinity, put God’s love into action through the Souper Bowl of Caring. Start saving your change and (bills now!), and then bring it to church with you on Sunday, February 3, to drop into the soup pot that we will pass during worship. Your donation will go to fight hunger right here in the community.
With your help, more dollars will be raised, more lives will be changed and more young people will experience the joy of serving Christ by serving others. With your help, let’s try to collect $150 this year. Please visit for more information.

In Touch and Up To Date

Through Peggy Klophaus we learned that as of January 22, Edith Lodge has moved to Maine! She will be living in a senior community an hour away from daughter Ginny. We wish Edith the very best in her new home!

Edith V. Lodge
30 Governor’s Way, #567
Topsham, ME 04086
(207) 725-1202

Verna & John Norton have moved! Their new address is:
234 Heather Croft
Egg Harbor Township, N.J. 08234

February Families of the Month

Please remember these people and families in our prayers this month.
Grace Viola
Al & Phyllis Weber
Bradford, Dot & Susan Wilson
The Yero Family

February Anniversaries

John & Judi Lovas
Richard & Barbara Hudnett

February Birthdays

February Birthdays:

John Franchino, Brenda Munoz, Dorothy Wilson, Olivia Murphy, Edith Schulz,
Rebecca Lovas, Amanda Davey, Otto Mayr, Eric Oberndorf, Christina Hudnett,
Susan Ulley, Emily Jones, Sally Mueller.

Cats, the Musical!

Bloomfield High School proudly presents Cats, the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, February 28 through March 2. This will be the first musical in the newly renovated auditorium at BHS; the school is at 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield. Sarah Jones is performing in the cast as the character Jellylorum and Chelsea Cicci is the choreographer for the production.

Bloomfield High School proudly presents Cats, the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, February 28 through March 2. This will be the first musical in the newly renovated auditorium at BHS; the school is at 160 Broad St. in Bloomfield. Sarah Jones is performing in the cast as the character Jellylorum and Chelsea Cicci is the choreographer for the production. Chelsea and Derek Hanson have been actively involved with the students since last spring, coaching dance, “Felinity” (cat moves!) and helping with makeup and costumes. Chelsea and Derek met while in the touring company of Cats that many of us saw at NJPAC.

Parents are encouraged to bring children to the show. There will be face painting and picture opportunities with the cast. Sarah will have tickets for sale soon, and we think the price will be the same as last year--$10 in advance, $12 at the door. Evening performances are at 7:30 pm and the Sunday matinee is at 2:00 pm. Please call the Jones family for more information. (973) 338-0267


If you would like to purchase Easter Flowers, please call the office for an order form. The form and payment must be in the Church Office by Sunday, February 17. The price for lilies, daffodils, hyacinths and tulips are $9.00 each. Pompoms are $3.50 each.